Sprint Car & Midget Racing Forum

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Andrew S. Quinn (Online)
  #21 7/6/14 8:09 PM
Originally Posted by LittleRube:
Guess I'm a bad parent with these guidelines. 9 months old and already been to 20 races.
You are doubly bad. You have a dog (small horse) that you sometimes take to the races,and she poops.....
Likes: LittleRube
robert gatten (Offline)
  #22 7/6/14 9:08 PM
NO it was not a service dog. droped its present by the gate and every 4 ft all the way out to the parking lot. Unless it's a service dog it has no business in the grandstand area.. JMO
Likes: racenut69
The Fanthom (Offline)
  #23 7/6/14 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by dirt330:
Drunk fans ( big kids ) are the ones who need to be left home. They cause more problems than the kids. The sad part is most will be driving home from the track.
Amen to this.....drunk fools at racing events are in my opinion one of the biggest obstacles to attracting new fans. I feel like a bad parent exposing my 4 and 9 year olds to the kind of stupidity that one normally only experiences at a biker bar. I know our sport is "old school" and all but some traditions do need to die. I bet 25% of the fans at most racing events couldnt pass a breathalizer before driving off the lot. Just sayin.......

Also, I was pretty disgusted at fan behavior at Busch Stadium this year as well, so its not just racing.....

I'm no teetotaler by any means but people really should learn some self respect.
Likes: Tumey's 55
dirt_trackgurl006 (Offline)
  #24 7/6/14 11:13 PM
I started going to the races with my father since I was 3months old, and I am 26 has been in my family before I was even thought father raced Hobby stocks, his dad raced, my late grandfather on my moms side raced, and my late uncle Marcus "Hannie" Phelps and he was a legend at Danville Speedway...the only complaint I have is the fan numbers have really dropped and the car counts are dropping really fast! In my opinion I really don't want the racing business to stop altogether and as fans we all need to come together more as a family instead of hurting the sport more then it already is. Yes, we all have our regular friends and racing families that we all hang out with at the races and we all have fun, but we need to fiqure out some way of getting more fans in the stands!! What happened to the free t-shirts drivers would give away all the time at even regular events to the kids or whoever in the stands?! I am not trying to cause any arguments or anything just stating facts and my own thoughts and opinions. However, yes I will agree on technology has become more popular throughout the years. I try and take as many videos (even though my phone isn't that great) and pictures of family and friends at the races as much as possible!! I just wish there was something we could all agree on and come up with ideas and put those ideas to good use to keep this sport alive and maybe grow more, because it all starts somewhere and most of it starts with the kids wanting to go!! I just want to see this sport grow more like it was! there is so much talent in a lot of these younger kids that have been coming into this sport and with a little guidance and help we can make it grow! I don't want to be sitting at home 20years from now wishing I could take my kids (if I ever have any) to the races and there not be any! I look forward to the days where I can go to the races with my father still to this day and I plan on doing it with my kids (if I ever have any) when that day comes!!
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