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Jonr (Offline)
  #11 1/31/12 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by SprintLuvr:
Please remember that this is a completely new entity who is trying to carry on the tradition of receiving race updates in a printed form, as the NSSN previously did for so many fans and racers. This entity may have the same name but the people and investors involved do not include the Economaki's, or the money that they received for your newspaper subscription. The New NSSN Magazine is trying to bring back something that so many have missed in the last few months and they are being gracious enough to offer a 3 month extension to previous subscribers of the newspaper. Please give them the benefit of the doubt and order a subscription and you can then benefit from their 3 month extension. I don't think you will be disappointed, these are quality people trying to put out a quality magazine!

Susannah Stapp
Several things about your post stands out. NSSN is carrying on without the Economaki's and with new investors and there is not a connection between the new magazine and the old newspaper subscriptions. Then why would I be interested in purchasing this magaizine if all they did was buy the naming rights from the Economaki's?

Seems like they want thier cake and eat it too. We are bringing back NSSN, but it is new. Your subscriptions to the newspaper are not important, but we want you back because we have the same name. Trust us even though we have done nothing to earn your trust.

I was upset when NSSN stopped the newspaper. However, I understoond that it was a business, and I can appreciate the fact that businesses close.

Now, I am being told that NSSN magazine is a new start up business. As a new start up business they need to do something to earn my business. With any business model, there has to be an upfront cost to gaining customers. It would be much easier to earn the good will of the old NSSN customers by sending them three free episodes rather than adding to the back end of the a yearly subscription. I don't know how many free issues of AutoWeek I recieved after NSSN stopped. Even when AutoWeek sent me "This is your final issue" notice, I still recieved more Autoweek magazines. I even recieved a free Speedway Illustarted last month. I am assuming that they bought NSSN's mailing list as well.

If NSSN wants my subscription, they need to earn it. I am not expecting a dollar for dollar return. I just would like to see the product a couple of times before I pay for another subscription, and if NSSN does not have enough cash reserves to send three free issues to the old NSSN subscribers, does it have enough cash reserves to make it an entire year?
3 Likes: bus man, I Miss Manzy, ISF
I Miss Manzy (Offline)
  #12 1/31/12 11:18 PM
"It would be much easier to earn the good will of the old NSSN customers by sending them three free episodes rather than adding to the back end of the a yearly subscription."

EXACTLY!!! Well put Jonr! Are ya listening "new" NSSN?
Likes: bus man
cmakin (Offline)
  #13 2/1/12 6:24 AM
Originally Posted by sprntr:
I was sent AutoWeek Magazine for the remainder of my NSSN subscription. I enjoyed it enough to subscribe for a year.

I signed up for a year of the new NSSN. I figure it's only money that my Ole Lady would blow at the Casino otherwise!

NOW I know why I am getting Auto Week. . . .

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ISF (Offline)
  #14 2/1/12 12:15 PM
Hmmmm. I had a little less than a year left on my subscription to the defunct paper edition of NSSN and never received one Auto Week or any other magazine in honor of my unfulfilled NSSN subscription. Wonder how they determined who to send the free stuff to and who not to.

I also would agree, if the new owners of the naming rights to the old NSSN want to reach out to the unfulfilled NSSN subscribers I would say that probably should be a front loaded proposition. I don't see that much goodwill extended in the three months free after we pony up a full years subscription price.

The policy is what it is but I'm reluctant to do the deal without the free period upfront.

Silver Crown Championship Dirt Cars properly driven on a one mile dirt track are classic poetry in motion. Using that analogy, Jack Hewitt is one of the greatest poets of all time.
SprintLuvr (Offline)
  #15 2/1/12 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by Jonr:
Several things about your post stands out. NSSN is carrying on without the Economaki's and with new investors and there is not a connection between the new magazine and the old newspaper subscriptions. Then why would I be interested in purchasing this magaizine if all they did was buy the naming rights from the Economaki's?

Seems like they want thier cake and eat it too. We are bringing back NSSN, but it is new. Your subscriptions to the newspaper are not important, but we want you back because we have the same name. Trust us even though we have done nothing to earn your trust.
This is not meant to sound snide or smart assy, I just don't know how else to say it, so here it is:

You're goning to at least buy this magazine and read it a few times because you love racing and are going to want to see what everybody else is reading because you don't want to miss out. There is not much that covers our sport, and any little morsel we get, we jump on.

Regarding your trust issue, did you have a built up trust when Sprint Car and Midget came out? No, but you bought it and read it. Maybe you didn't subscribe right away, and you just bought a few issues on the newsstand. But you bought them, and I am betting you then bought a subscription. I say it is no different with the new NSSN, if you can find it on the newsstand, now days no no one carries these types of mags. Maybe they will have it at the races and you can pick up a copy. If you like, you can come to Hoosier and I will loan you my copy, to see if you like it!

I'm saying just give them a chance if you don't like it don't buy anymore and don't buy the subscription. If you do, hey bonus of 3 months if you subscribe! All you will be out is a little time trying to find a copy and a few bucks for the first issue! I personally expect it to be a quality publication. I have seen the work of Mike Kerchner, editor-in-chief and I know this is a labor of love for he and Ralph Sheheen. They just want to bring the racing news back to the racers and fans. I commend them for taking this on in this economy when most magazines and newspapers are folding up. I plan to send them my $24.95! I hope in the end you like it enough to do so too!

Susannah Stapp
Likes: Danny Burton
fifthwheel (Offline)
  #16 2/1/12 1:12 PM
I agree with Susannah - Kerchner and Sheheen are hard core which leads me to believe it won't be all Dale Jr. and Danica articles. I too was sorry to see NSSN go and lost money but had many years of enjoyment from Chris and other columns, i.e. Gary London (I hope he is part of this). By the way, does anyone know how Mr. Economaki is doing?
Dick Monahan (Offline)
  #17 2/1/12 2:30 PM
I just received an email making the "extra 3 months for subscriber id" offer. I assume the email was sent to the old subscribers; therefore, they already know I was one (50+ years). How would I know my subscriber id? I know it was on the mailing label on the paper, but I did not save any papers. I responded to the email that they are not making any friends with this policy.

EDIT: I just received a reply from "Joe Tripp". He says if I enter "SUBSCRIBER" in the ID field, they "will attempt to validate your subscription". The problem, of course, is that, if they don't, I've only received 12 months.
I Miss Manzy (Offline)
  #18 2/1/12 4:40 PM
I think I agree with Susannah,in that I'll try and find it on a newsstand (Good Luck!)and check it out.Hell,the only reason I subscribed to SprintCar and Midget magazine was that Arizona Race Mart closed.I would stop in and visit with Jimmy and Pam,get the mag,and go.
sprntr (Offline)
  #19 2/1/12 5:17 PM
Regarding your trust issue, did you have a built up trust when Sprint Car and Midget came out? ...I say it is no different with the new NSSN


addictedtodirt (Offline)
  #20 2/1/12 5:55 PM
I bet I read half a dozen SC and M mags that belonged to my brother before I subscibed. So yea, NSSN has gotta earn my trust before I give them any more of my money.

Posted via Mobile Device
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