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tjtomthumb (Offline)
  #171 10/8/07 9:56 AM
I believe the failure Saturday night may have been you or your set-up man, not the track prep. Everyone I watched ran under the same conditions. They have tried hard at the Burg to do a good job and, as you and your set-up man found out Saturday night, you miss it now and then. Nobody told the folks at the Burg a few hours after they applied most of the water that there was going to be a pop-up shower dumping 2" of rain app. 5 miles from the track and the clouds would be causing an overcast and not drying out the water as they anticipated. As posted on another thread, under the yellows, right after push-off, etc, why weren't you folks that needed to pass cars down at the bottom throwing the soup up and running in another groove? Guess it's easier to just blame everyone else for your error isn't it.

Thank You Lawrenceburg Speedway for a good time Saturday night. Keep up doing the great job you've done all season. :thumb:
dshort36 (Offline)
  #172 10/8/07 10:52 AM
mr tom....... i was not unhappy with my car, set up , driver or finish....i was unhappy with the track prep as a whole thinking of all drivers,,, we won our heat race ,,, and our driver did a great job for ;his first time in our point is that when you spend the kind of money owners and drivers spend racing that is not the kind of racing surface expected..exspecially this big of a race this time of year......... what about the big mod show a few weeks ago do you have an excuse for that night also? i have nothing against the staff at the burg and know they work hard but feel their approach to track prep is not im not an expert at track prep but am in my business and occasinonally look for new solutions to problems to please my any other business all sides have to be taken into consideration and not just one sided views like yours............
Eatin Dirt (Offline)
  #173 10/8/07 11:25 AM
dshort, I have a question for you that is away from the subject of track prep and the Burg. I have seen on the web that the USAC car #2 is selling off the equipment, Does that mean that poss. Brady will be back in the family car next year?
OpenwheelRob (Offline)
  #174 10/8/07 12:08 PM
Mr. Short, As a expert at your business you should know that you can't make everyone happy. All you can do is try as hard as possible and hopefully it will work out for the best. Just like customers have a choice, you too had a choice if you felt that strongly about the track conditions you had a choice stay and race or load up and go home, you made your choice.

You should be thankful there is a track to race on and that you are fortunate enough to be able to put a car on it. When there are many many others myself included that only wish for the chance to run on any track,dirt, pavement, dry slick, tacky, rough whatever, and never b**** about it because you just cherish the fact your there.
tjtomthumb (Offline)
  #175 10/8/07 12:13 PM
Well Don, we do agree on one thing, when you spend the money you owners spend, you probably expect more. But you know, as a fan and the money we spend to support you owners etc., with NO chance to recover any of our expenses, we expect you to be able to adapt and set-up your equipment to put on a good show for us no matter what the conditions are. Not complain about track conditions the nights you don't run as good as you would like. Again, you folks should have been running the bottom in every chance you had. Maybe the evening of racing should have not started off with the bottom sloppy but how many of you tried to run it in when you had a chance? We have done the same things years ago as a car owner, driver or crew member. We've not ran as well as we've wanted and then blamed the track, another driver for taking us out or blocking us, but when you look back, if we'd have hit the set-up a little better we'd have just drove off and went on, as Ballou, Darland, Shuman etc did.

Let's look at the finish. The winner Ballou started 9th, Darland started 11th and ran 3rd, Shuman started 12th and ran 4th, Anderson and Cottle started way back and ran 5th and 6th, Imel started 6th and was challenging for 4th at one point. The 36 car started 7th and ran 8th. Sorry, I don't think you should be complaining. Armstrong is the only car that started and finished in front of you.

I really enjoy seeing the 36 car run. You have towed all over the country in the past and have always been a very competitive team. We appreciate your efforts and will still be a fan of the 36 car, and agree, the track prep was off Saturday night, but not from lack of effort. But again, you all had the same obstacles to overcome and I say thank you to all the owners, drivers, track crews etc for attempting to have a good night of racing.
riskybrisky5 (Offline)
  #176 10/8/07 12:13 PM
Just got to add my opinions on all these subjects. First of all I think Larwrenceburg Speedway has done a great job of promoting this year. Getting more fans involved and trying to make the races an event. I also know Mel is working his tail off on the track. He admitted he made a mistake to me before the bs. He said the cloud cover after his last water run killed him. My problem comes with a couple of things. Before Hot laps Dave let everyone go look at the track in turn 4. Once all the mech and drivers seen the track we knew it was not ready to race on. I over heard some telling Dave it wasnt ready. Dave looked at his watch and said get back we are going hot lapping the track is ready. Well the track was not ready. But we all hot lapped any way. The track never did come in until part of the way through the feature and still at that point you had to have someone make a mistake to pass them. My question is this and I suggested to an official in red and black. Why not before every race have officials on the track forcing the racers to pack the bottom then when all cars are on the track line them up and race. Every yellow send fficials to force cars to pack bottom until line ups are ready then give one to go and race. If we would have done this by the c and b main times you may have seen 2 grooves. Before anyone responds I did by myself usually run the bottom on most yellows trying to pack it in. Then you might have seen Stanbrough and Clayton able to transfer from the tail of their bs. But because of blind draw they both had to load up early. When it is a blind draw race it is a must to make your track a 2 groove track. I have read some post from fans that the racing was great, I agree anytime I get to see a race car go around the track it is great for me also. But I didnt see passing all night until the feature. Look at it from the racers perspective and see if you think the track was great. When Clayton and Stanbrough walked up to the line up board the probably got a sick feeling and thought well my shot for $10,000 is over, why because they knew the track conditions. I know some of you are going to say but look at Gaines and Shuman they came from 12th to 3rd and 2cnd in there heats. This is not putting either driver down because I think they are both great drivers, many people know I would hire Dickie in a heart beat. But I watched Dickies race and he never passed any of those cars unless they pushed off the track or fell out. I was in Shumans race and he ended up starting 6th with the crashes before the start. He came out running second on the start. Because if you started on the bottom you were screwed, that is why Neely was trying to jump because he knew if he didnt he would be running 3rd going into 1 and not able to pass for the rest of the race. Shuman was much faster than Darland but couldnts pass him like countless other cars in other races. Starting postion determined who was making the show. If a car didnt make a mistake you were not passing him. That is why you seen packs of cars one slow car would hold a pack of cars up. Bottom line is someone should have stepped up from the track or MSCS to make the track raceable for all. Your draw should not determine if you make the race or not. Another thing about the blind draw I would like you promoters, organzations, and fans to think about. Was it fair to Shuman because he was unlucky and drew a bad number and was in the 6th heat that he had to start 12th in the A, while the guy that ran 2cnd in the first heat got to start 7th. That is 5 cars Shuman had to pass that the other car didnt. If Shuman starts 7th as fast as he was Sat. he might have had $10,000 instead of what he ended up with. Again sorry for all grammer and spelling errors.
riskybrisky5 (Offline)
  #177 10/8/07 12:22 PM
Ballou didnt start 9th If not mistaken front row outside. Darland 3rd row outside. I raced with Cottle and Anderson and they were so much faster than some of the cars in front of them but got held up at least 10 laps trying to pass them. once they passed the slower car holding up the pack they pulled a staight away from the slower car in one lap. Ask Cottle and Anderson if they thought the track was passable. I know Cottle didnt because I talked to him after the race. Give Cottle and Anderson 2 grooves they might have been battling for the lead. You car call it what you want but it was a one groove track. Starting postition had more to do with finish than who was fast. I know that you will have one laners from time to time but a half an hour more time packing the bottom and we would have seen some awsome racing.
dshort36 (Offline)
  #178 10/8/07 12:43 PM
thank you kevin for your input......tom thumb you need to do your homework.... nuff said
FishBurger (Offline)
  #179 10/8/07 12:45 PM
I told friends under the "A" Saturday night that I could just see the IOW fan comments resulting from the track conditions. "Track was GREAT".....Racing STUNK". Had far more fans here praising the racing than I expected. But, I was in the minority after Eldora where I thought the racing, especially midgets, was spectacular, so I'm not surprised to be in the minority again. I agree completely with Don Short and Kevin Briscoe. Except that I don't blame Mel and Tim so much as the unexpected cloud cover and lack of wind which contributed to the sloppy going. Check the KDub's photo of Coleman Gulick in ryderrocket19's "Wanted to share with you" thread. Just a mite on the muddy side for good racing IMHO.
dshort36 (Offline)
  #180 10/8/07 12:48 PM
openwheel rob yu r right my customers do have a choice and i do evrything i can to make them happy,,,,,, all of them and to this day i have never advertised, had a web page , or had to chase any workkkkkkkkk.......... all happy customers , repeat business and word of mouth........i dont tell them not to come back or buy from me if they have a complaint..........and yes i have had complaints......i dont look for excuses or have others try to make one for me...
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