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ekohl23 (Offline)
  #121 7/16/11 5:25 AM
Originally Posted by mortboyz:
Holy Crap! I'm thinkin' the Hoffmanns must be feeling bad that Coondog quit that ride for the underfunded Phillips 71 car.....
He didn't quit that ride. They decided to go separate ways
Posted using Mobile Device
Likes: 9racing
Jack Dupp (Offline)
  #122 7/16/11 8:27 AM
Holy Crap! I'm thinkin' the Hoffmanns must be feeling bad that Coondog quit that ride for the underfunded Phillips 71 car.....

Originally Posted by ekohl23:
He didn't quit that ride. They decided to go separate ways
Posted using Mobile Device
Randy's comment was satirical.
Shawn Harper (Offline)
  #123 7/16/11 8:50 AM
We all know Jerry is a great driver and the team is under funded, but the equipment that Steve and Carla provide is good! They are both very commited to racing and to any driver that may be in the car. I believe thay have prooved to everyone this week, that a little team can still compete with the big dogs!! I'm proud to say they both are good friends of mine! Good luck at Haubstadt tonight!
2 Likes: 1BIGracefan, IndyBound
Gregg (Offline)
  #124 7/16/11 10:26 AM
I make toe bonzai run to Bloomington after work yesterday (with the exception of I74 from Harrison to the Indiana border which was a dead stop). In spite of that, to us “Easterners” Bloomington wins the ISW award for best drive to the track mainly because of Brown County Park. Once there DannyB had a place saved but being a little late and with the festivities getting under way shortly I grabbed the first place I could find in turn one which was along side Mud Packer and RacinBabe. A big thank you to them and Danny.

Some observations:

Anytime you can win two Sprint Week features with the lineups so full of talent you must be doing something right. Hunter Percent and the #35 team should be proud and a third win wouldn't surprise me in the least before ISW is over.

I thought local favorite Danny Holtsclaw would fall back from his third starting spot as the cream rose to the top. Danny would take the long time Rick “Wild Thing” Vaughn ride on a great run and would keep it in the top three nearly the whole way, at times pushing Hunter for the lead.

If it were a 40 lap feature Clauson, Stanbrough and especially DD would have had a say about who would win last night. All three were fun to watch from their back in the pack starting positions. Darland was able to outgas Holtsclaw to the checker by mere inches for second.

Wes Mac is the real deal. He gave everything Hunter could handle and led around the first 12 circuits. His bad luck and finishing position certainly did not reflect the great run he had for 28 laps.

One of the 'burg's favorites, Chad Boesflug continues to have a solid Sprint Week. He was bounced back early in the going but battled back to finish ninth.

I was a bit surprised that 45 cars were on the grounds in one of the final shows of Sprint Week. Great turnout.

Danny Burton usually proudly gives the timing report for the completion of the feature at Bloomington. I will scoop him. Hunter took the checker at 10:05. Even with a few red flags mixed in the program kept moving all night.

It was a great night of racing. It had all the prerequisites, a race track, sprint cars, good drivers, to keep me happy the whole evening long.
8 Likes: Charles Nungester, Diggsy, FishBurger, Mud Packer, Pat O'Connor Fan, PJ Wright, racefan20, Ricks Pics
Kansasdirtfan (Offline)
  #125 7/16/11 10:46 AM
Does anyone have any idea how many ISW points are available at each race? In other words, short of a complete meltdown, can anyone catch Windom?

Bob Nikkel
Dirtfan (Offline)
  #126 7/16/11 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by Kansasdirtfan:
Does anyone have any idea how many ISW points are available at each race? In other words, short of a complete meltdown, can anyone catch Windom?
I do not know the points breakdown,however with help from someone last night they fiqured as long as Windom finishes 7th or better the title is his, hope this helps.Keep in mind however this is in no way "Official".

Dan Hetser

"Today is a Gift, Tomorrow is not Promised"
Likes: Kansasdirtfan
Jerry Shaw (Offline)
  #127 7/16/11 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by Kansasdirtfan:
Does anyone have any idea how many ISW points are available at each race? In other words, short of a complete meltdown, can anyone catch Windom?

They calculate Sprint Week point the same way they do for the series as a whole. So, if Windom and Clauson would come into the feature scoring the same amount of points through the qualifying/heats/b-main process then Clauson would have to win and Windom would have to finish 14th to tie with BC, worse than that to lose to him. Now, a fast qualifier gets 6 points and that goes down to 1 for 6th fast. And heat race winners get 8 points and thant goes down to 3 points for 6th. And B Main finishes get points, too. So, there are are a lot of variables in there, depending on what kind of an evening each has coming into the feature. The link is USAC's points scale:


A man is about as big as the things that make him angry.

Winston Churchill
Likes: FishBurger
Jerry Shaw (Offline)
  #128 7/16/11 1:47 PM
There's nothing like getting there a little early and standing on the Bloomington Speedway hill, talking to your racing family that's already there and greeting the others that are just arriving. You have the reddest of all red race tracks, surrounded by old forest, that is also at the peak of it's yearly greenness. There's just something that is so right about watching sprint car racing on a hillside, in the woods. When you combine this with the brilliantly colored race cars, the smell of methanol and the roar of all these finely tuned engines, you get a really special experience.

Anytime Mike Miles isn't badgered by Mother Nature and is allowed to water his red clay on his schedule, you can expect that you're going to a track that holds up for the entire evening. And with the way qualifying times were holding up throughout the whole session, it was clear that this would be the case, tonight. Dave Darland would set fast time well into the session and local track favorites Ty Deckard and Danny Holtsclaw would turn in strong runs, as well. The unwalled ledges of these high banks always help provide the biggest home track advantage, of any track in this series.

During the heats, the track was still fast and it was a tough row to how, for the faster qualifiers. Especially those in the first races. It heated up in the third one though, with a great battle between Levi Jones and Chad Boespflug. Levi passed Chad, then Chad battled back and was all over him for a couple laps. Chad then spun, proceeded to dispatch with the three cars in front of him and was putting pressure on Levi, again as the checker fell. In the last one, Holtsclaw looked impressive again, as he won it from the third row, followed by Cottle, Gardner and 4th fastest qualifier Riggs.

The B Main looked like a feature. And a great one, too. I wondered if they were going to do a wave lap. That's how loaded this one was. A lot of the big hitters were starting up front and probably the biggest drama in this race was third place ISW driver Ballou, sitting in the very back of this one, needing a transfer spot to keep his ISW points hopes alive. He passed a lot of cars and up until two or three to go, it looked like he just might do it. Then he slipped off of the backstretch ledge. He made another comeback, after that, but just didn't have enough time.

The feature was guaranteed to be a great one. The last four rows, looked like the first four rows of most big races. You had drivers like East, Ballou, Stanbrough, Short and Windom. And relative newcomer Wes McIntyre was on the front row with Hunter. At the drop of the green, Wes Mac decided to seize the moment. He went up top and was flying around the rim of this track, just daring the infamous ledges of Bloomington to take him down. And he played with fire for a bunch of laps, too. He was screaming around this place, like he owned it. Chris Judah said, during the first red, that Wes Mac was driving it up there like Rickey Hood. About ten laps in, with the cushion whittled down the pretty much nothing in 1 and 2, he tempted fate just a little too much, slid off the backstretch berm and lost enough ground for Hunter the take over. And it was Hunter's race to lose, but Holtsclaw was chipping away on the bottom and wasn't going away. Dave Darland was on the move, too. Jon Stanbrough had came from near the back and was charging to the front. Clauson had battled his way into contention, as well. And so did Jerry Coons, who has just driven his guts out, this ISW. And in order for these guys to get to where they were, they had to just go at it tooth and nail, with one another and many others, for almost the entire race. The race behind the race for the lead in this one was so good. Hunter came across first, then Darland snatched second away from Holtsclaw on the last turn of the last lap.

That was a great Indiana Sprint Week night! I would rank it third best, so far, right behind Terre Haute and Kokomo. Which means they're in pretty good company, because those were fantastic races.


A man is about as big as the things that make him angry.

Winston Churchill
4 Likes: cowboyhar69, Panama, PJ Wright, SprintManDave
Jerry Shaw (Offline)
  #129 7/16/11 1:57 PM
Oh, BTW, early in the feature there were three cars that had just backed it in to turn one, big time. The middle one was Jerry Coons. During the middle of these three drivers doing this (the other two escape me) JCJ just gassed it, threaded the needle and took off. It was a move that almost put me out of my chair.


A man is about as big as the things that make him angry.

Winston Churchill
4 Likes: cowboyhar69, Panama, PJ Wright
Kansasdirtfan (Offline)
  #130 7/16/11 6:50 PM
Originally Posted by Jerry Shaw:

They calculate Sprint Week point the same way they do for the series as a whole. So, if Windom and Clauson would come into the feature scoring the same amount of points through the qualifying/heats/b-main process then Clauson would have to win and Windom would have to finish 14th to tie with BC, worse than that to lose to him. Now, a fast qualifier gets 6 points and that goes down to 1 for 6th fast. And heat race winners get 8 points and thant goes down to 3 points for 6th. And B Main finishes get points, too. So, there are are a lot of variables in there, depending on what kind of an evening each has coming into the feature. The link is USAC's points scale:

I didn't realize they used the same point system. Much obliged, Jerry.

---------- Post added at 05:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:45 PM ----------

Originally Posted by Jerry Shaw:
There's nothing like getting there a little early and standing on the Bloomington Speedway hill, talking to your racing family that's already there and greeting the others that are just arriving. You have the reddest of all red race tracks, surrounded by old forest, that is also at the peak of it's yearly greenness. There's just something that is so right about watching sprint car racing on a hillside, in the woods. When you combine this with the brilliantly colored race cars, the smell of methanol and the roar of all these finely tuned engines, you get a really special experience.
I couldn't agree more. My only trip to Bloomington was with Jack Kraemer, Toots and Jimmy at the 2009 ISW race. Definitely a unique setup for a track, and great racing.

Bob Nikkel
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