Sprint Car & Midget Racing Forum

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hudcone (Offline)
  #1 2/3/09 4:05 AM
I am looking for a ride for the Little 500. Ran 7th in 2006. If anyone knows of an open ride, please let me know.
ClaytonYeley (Offline)
  #2 2/3/09 10:46 AM
Hud is one of the best sprint car drivers in Indiana. He won a sprint car race at Salem Speedway a few years back, and came in 2nd in points in the MSCS last year. Best of luck in 2009 Hud!
Hoosier Highbanks (Offline)
  #3 2/3/09 2:32 PM
Hope Hud lands a ride. He has a shot at the win!!!
ClaytonYeley (Offline)
  #4 2/3/09 6:10 PM
Hud, can you tell us your 2009 plans besides looking for a Little 500 ride. Will you be racing the indoor powri midgets in DuQuion? Going for a MSCS championship?
jim9 (Offline)
  #5 2/3/09 6:34 PM
you rock:thumb:thumb:thumb:thumb:thumb:thumb:thumb:thu mb:thumb:thumb
hudcone (Offline)
  #6 2/3/09 7:08 PM
Our first priority is the sprint car, but we will run wherever is paying most that night. The midget is ready to go, and if there are no sprint car races we will probably go to DuQuoin or Belleville. And as far as the MSCS championship, can't garantee anything because we will be running at whatever race is paying the most regardless of the sanction. It also depends on what kind of sponsorship money we come up with in regards to how many races we are able to run.The tentative schedule is on my website

Thank you all!!
jim9 (Offline)
  #7 2/3/09 7:12 PM
sounds goood:icon_smile_blackeye:confused::thumb:angry-smiley-007::moon::usac:
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