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Grocery Guy (Offline)
  #21 5/11/20 1:36 PM
Yes! I just bought a ticket to the May 22nd I-55 WoO show. Four hour ride.....can't wait. I've been working through all this and have done everything I can do to remain clean. Can't live in fear the rest of my life.
8 Likes: addictedtodirt, Andrew S. Quinn, chrismattlin, flagboy55, i love dirt track racing, interpreter66, PIT CART, skids59
Ken Bonnema (Offline)
  #22 5/11/20 1:44 PM

If I had a reason to go, I would, but I would wear a mask. Not to protect me but to do my best NOT to infect someone else. This is a very informative article that explains the how's and why's. About 1/2 way the author writes the following:
Importantly, of the countries performing contact tracing properly, only a single outbreak has been reported from an outdoor environment (less than 0.3% of traced infections). (ref)

Further on down he continues:

If I am outside, and I walk past someone, remember it is “dose and time” needed for infection. You would have to be in their airstream for 5+ minutes for a chance of infection. While joggers may be releasing more virus due to deep breathing, remember the exposure time is also less due to their speed.

Wear a mask and Let's go racin'!!
8 Likes: Andrew S. Quinn, captrat, chrismattlin, flagboy55, i love dirt track racing, interpreter66, luckybuc97, TNRustler
axman897 (Offline)
  #23 5/11/20 2:15 PM
While only in my 30's, dad is in his 60's and I think we will wait until July or so to hit up a race. Even then, it would probably be to a place that we can spread out little such Angell Park or Terre Haute for Sprint Week. Come Indy 500 time if they allow fans, we will be in our seats ready to go. Like others have stated, being indoors in a confined space has a higher probability of spreading. The rest of May will tell us a lot.
5 Likes: Andrew S. Quinn, flagboy55, i love dirt track racing, interpreter66, Ken Bonnema
opnwhlmnd (Offline)
  #24 5/11/20 2:43 PM
I went to Farmington, MO Saturday night with no restrictions. There were so many people there was no way to keep six feet apart. Drank some beer and saw some old friends. Didn't bother me but if you don't feel comfortable don't go. Just don't tell me how to live my life. My odds of dying in a car crash on the hour trip there was higher than dying from Covid-19.

Now that the medical system has not been overwhelmed like we thought it's time to relax some rules. Just my opinion.

The cure is now worse than the disease.

So my answer would be YES I would go.

Find a purpose in life ..... Be a bad example
13 Likes: addictedtodirt, Andrew S. Quinn, chrismattlin, dshort36, flagboy55, i love dirt track racing, interpreter66, jonboat15, kcarm92, luckybuc97, PIT CART, rmr6nm, skids59
DJlives (Offline)
  #25 5/11/20 3:08 PM
On the issue of critical thinking etc could not one engage in critical thinking and decide no? The question wasn't about what others would do or should do it is what YOU would do. In that case it requires you to consider a range of factors including your overall health, your interest, your pocketbook. All of that. I don't live in fear. However I have a pre-existing condition and now know 5 people who got the virus three very sick for died and had not been Ill. But this question is vitally important to promoters
7 Likes: Andrew S. Quinn, flagboy55, i love dirt track racing, interpreter66, mc/rider, oldfan49, WinglessLovers
ThePurple73 (Offline)
  #26 5/11/20 3:18 PM
No - possibly no one else will either.
interpreter66 (Offline)
  #27 5/11/20 3:43 PM
Yes, I should be hitting camp David in Anderson this Friday to be with my friends from around the country and seeing great racing,but I’ll now have to wait till September ! Oh hell I can’t wait that long , I can see a road trip north before September🙂
Likes: flagboy55
WinglessLovers (Offline)
  #28 5/11/20 4:03 PM
I would probably go but with reservations. My wife and I were going to Brushcreek last week but at the last minute the judge disallowed spectators even though we would all be sitting in our cars on a hill and not allowed to exit the car. I would if going today choose a track that has lots of room to spread out and wear a mask for about a month at least. The situation at St. Francois Co. Speedway was out of control with the amount of people who showed up and promoters should limit amount of spectators for the first month. Pre-race online ticket sales and no at the gate purchases for the first month if opening today. If social limits are in effect for a state such as Missouri they should be followed or they may ruin the possibilities of other states deciding to open up race tracks. In a month my opinion would probably be different and I would be ready to go without restrictions if the statistics warrant.

Bruce Eckel
4 Likes: captrat, flagboy55, i love dirt track racing, jim goerge
davidm (Offline)
  #29 5/11/20 4:13 PM
I would go! I went To Lincoln the week before the lock down. If not for the lock down I'd not have missed a single race.
6 Likes: Charles Nungester, chrismattlin, flagboy55, interpreter66, jim goerge, jonboat15
racer-x (Offline)
  #30 5/11/20 4:54 PM
I would go in a second and I haven’t been scared since the start of it. My job is still going good and like others said I’m not going to live life in fear! I think it’s a damn shame this country has turned into a bunch of sissy’s like half of them have turned into! More people die in car accidents then they do from this virus and we didn’t take everyone’s keys away.
6 Likes: addictedtodirt, chrismattlin, flagboy55, motorhead748, PIT CART, skids59
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