Sprint Car & Midget Racing Forum

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Cobra 14 (Offline)
  #1 5/22/18 5:55 AM
KISS and applying it to midgets

The one constant in this world is change. Racing has seen the following changes:

Horsepower increased
Cars are lighter
Tires are wider / softer sidewalls
Shocks have added additional traction
Speeds have increased
Costs have skyrocketed as traction increases more horsepower becomes an advantage.

More divisions are created. Each one tries to reduce costs. Rules are created, restrictions are created.. Then tech becomes the monster. Everyone wants rules enforced. No one wants to perform tech. No one wants to be DQ’d. No one wants to wait all night for tech to be performed.

Divisions split into new divisions. Better.. Cheaper.. Fairer… until the tech monster is created.. Then the cycle continues again.

Crate engines… Engine seals… More tech.. More monsters..

Claimer rules... Many like to experiment and try to build a better mousetrap. Winning in the garage with creativity is a big part for many.

Cookie cutter rules produce cookie cutter racing.

How do we all come together and race..and enjoy, compete and still remain affordable?

Who gets to decide affordability? Why shouldn't those that want to spend be allowed to make their engines “more reliable” why shouldn't they enjoy building their own better mousetraps.

Why should their desire also limit the affordability for others?

Car counts are where the buck really stops. Promoters need counts.. Racers need counts.. Fans need counts..

For years split divisions have lowered counts.
How do rules get created to bring people back to racing?

I'm not saying this is the answer, but rather a starting point for discussions to ratify rules? Nothing should be off the table. Status quo thinking has us where we currently are. Fast forward 5 years and if nothing changes it'll only get worse.

These are the goals.

Not cost anyone additional dollars to comply.
Reduce traction to limit horsepower advantages. If you can't hook it up.. Your not going to want more.
Allow options
Be inclusive of all current “d2 /Badger” type rules.
Allow cost effective engines
Allow people to build a better mousetrap.
Simplify the tech monster to 3 things. Weight, tire compound and air pressure. (quick, easy and not controversial)

E. 3 – Definitions.

Claimer engines - Winner can be claimed by any top 5 finisher for $2500. Claimed engine will be a long block format without injection, exhaust or bolt on ancillaries.

Open Engines. NO claim rule applicable
Auto and Cycle engines must start as OEM from an auto /cycle available in the USA. No purpose built engines or heads.

E 3. (A) Cyle Engine (Chain Driven) – 950 LBS for a claimer engine. 1050 LBS for an open engine

E 3. (B) Auto 4 CYL engine. – 1100LBS for a claimer engine, 1250 LBS for an open engine.

E 3. (C) Auto 6 Cyl engine. 1250 LBS for a claimer engine. NO open engines.

E 13. Tires; No tire warmers are permitted at anytime! Absolutely NO chemicals can be applied to tires at anytime. The only tire modifications allowed are siping and grooving. Tire Bleeders are not allowed. Tires will be subject to random durometer testing.

E.14. Minimum Tire pressure and compounds:
MINIMUM TIRE PRESSURE – After weighing, cars will be subject to tire pressure testing. The intent is to limit sidewall flex and traction to further challenge drivers and limit the advantage of high horsepower engines.

Left Rear Tire minimum
Minimum pressure 12LBS.
Compound minimum- Hoosier D12 or stamped “Focus” (same D12 compound) or American Racer SD33

Right Rear Tire minimum
Minimum Pressure 20 LBS
Compound minimum Hoosier SP3 or American Racer SD48
Unlucky#9 (Offline)
  #2 5/23/18 7:27 AM
While I like the rules as written to try to reduce the available traction, thus making excess horsepower a non-issue. I have one question regarding your tire pressure rules. What happens if the tire has, or develops a leak? Would said tire have to be started at a higher pressure, or would a 1-2 psi under pressure be acceptable if it was determined that the tire had a leak?
Cobra 14 (Offline)
  #3 5/23/18 8:44 PM
To be tested.. Without bleeders my rr set at 7lb gains anywhere from 2 to 4lb during a feature. I'm not sure how much a tire with 20lbs would gain. I would want tires checked before scales and before victory lane to eliminate any leakage issues. This post is to start a conversation.. Thanks for adding your thoughts.
opnwhlmnd (Offline)
  #4 5/23/18 11:42 PM
Paging Moore .... Don Moore.

And yet another midget set of rules. Can't you D2 guys just all get along and agree on .... anything.

Let's put 20 psi in the right rear that will put us on par with the average mortified show on spins per race.

Find a purpose in life ..... Be a bad example
Likes: BrentTFunk
Cobra 14 (Offline)
  #5 5/24/18 5:09 AM
I didn't expect this type of understanding. Not another set of rules, rather a consolidation of all existing so that only 1 set exists.

Interesting that you think spinning out would be the result. I wonder how drivers coped in the past when rr tires were only 8" wide and hard super stiff sidewalls.. People often refer to those times as the glory days..
Likes: bjr1655
Cobra 14 (Offline)
  #6 6/2/18 1:52 PM
jjones752 (Offline)
  #7 6/2/18 2:15 PM
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Jim Jones
Midwest Thunder Speed2 Midget #97
Cobra 14 (Offline)
  #8 6/2/18 3:41 PM
Likes: jjones752
Backitin (Offline)
  #9 6/3/18 7:58 AM
Theres no such thing as a inexpensive car racing class. Any four wheel racing I've been involved in got expensive no matter what your intentions originally were. If your low budget even in a low budget class your eventually going to have two options if only running up front will do. A) cheat B) quit
Race motorcycles if you have to worry about money. They're way cheaper, way more fun plus a ton less work.
Cobra 14 (Offline)
  #10 6/4/18 3:32 AM
So.. Danny Smith and Lance Dewease are wanting to unhook cars.. Take away costs.. So I guess they also need to race motorcycles..

Changes will come.. Hopefully before it's too late. The double edged sword works like this. First it becomes too expensive.. Car counts drop.. Front gate drops due to lack of cars.. Purses drop.. Makes it even more expensive.. More cars drop.. Promoters drop class as they worry about the back gate becoming self supporting. Plenty of junk cars will race for just a trophy.

If you step back and look at national midget racing.. And take out KK cars.. And now take out the CM cars

What is the car count?
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