Sprint Car & Midget Racing Forum

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  #1 5/17/08 10:59 AM
Whats the latest word on how Matt is doing, will he be back in a car this year or what?
MWestfallfan54 (Offline)
  #2 5/17/08 11:15 AM
Well, Matt is home, he got home last night!
That's all I really know Sara will have to tell you all the details.
Bobv (Offline)
  #3 5/17/08 11:52 AM
Great to hear Matt is home. I know he still has a long painful recovery ahead of him so will keep him in our prayers.
pletchfan (Offline)
  #4 5/17/08 12:01 PM
Great news that Matt is home. Just don't get in a hurry to come back, please take plenty of time to heal and listen to the doctor above all. That race car will still be there and your fans will still be waiting and cheering you on no matter how long it takes to see you back in the car. Sara I am praying for you, you will really have a job on your hands taking care of Jasa and Matt. I am praying for strength and for grace to deal with everything that comes up in the coming weeks. Matt I am praying for peace in your inner man as you deal with this set back and I am praying for God's special touch of healing for your body. When all of this is over and the two of you look back, please know that God was there all the time watching over you and protecting you from even worse harm that could have happened and that he is with you through all of this. Please keep us posted. We care.
sprinter54 (Offline)
  #5 5/17/08 5:58 PM
Matt did come home last night, which was a struggle. He was able to get a few hours of sleep between doses of the different medications and he is able to at least shuffle to the bathroom.

Each day is getting better, so we're hopefull that soon he'll be back in action, though we have to wait to see the Dr in 3 weeks. His hip will heal faster than his chest.....

Thanks again for the thoughts, prayers and well wishes!
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