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DAD (Offline)
  #21 8/27/14 5:20 PM
Originally Posted by racer-x:
Sorry to get back to those pesky facts again but on November 8th 2008 the national avg for a gallon of no lead was $1.75. Yes it was more then that before that date in august but the past 5 years it has never stayed that much for years like it has. The weak dollar and epa are 2 of many reasons why. Wait till they finish the coal industry with regulation.

It is no longer considered to be politically correct to say, "IT'S THE ECONOMY STUPID!!"

I will have to admit that Dave is doing what it takes up at the Burg, but it is a lot of work "Getting the word out". You can do it with a lot of money or a lot of extra time. Give the boy scout troop free tickets, how about the little league teams, to addict them first you got to let them involved.

Heck give them a coupon for free "pop corn", make your money back on the "pop".

Honest Dad himself
Stevensville Mike (Offline)
  #22 8/27/14 6:34 PM
Originally Posted by DAD:
Heck give them a coupon for free "pop corn", make your money back on the "pop".
Honest Dad himself
A somewhat controversial topic, but how about loosening up and letting the fans bring in their own food and beer? Hartford Speedway re-opened this year and got rid of the "No BYOB" policy that was put into effect a few years back in an attempt to chip the crowd out of more money. Things went sideways from there on out.

All three times I have been to Hartford Speedway this year the crowds have been huge. I am sure the crowd for this Friday's SOD Sprint race will be right up there, too. Good for them, too. Good promoting. Good fan interaction. Win-win.
BrentTFunk (Offline)
  #23 8/27/14 6:43 PM
Hey Racer X get away from ******** and just look at racing. When racing has thrived historically have been in tough times. That is a fact. When midgets were king it was when our country was recovering from the depression and 2 World wars. How much was gas then? I bet it tripled by the seventies, yet things were pretty good. The cost to compete I think also has a lot to do with it. Dirt is doing better than pavement right now, but that could always change. Not everything is political, including common sense
3 Likes: dstensland, mc/rider, ronmil
Tumey's 55 (Offline)
  #24 8/27/14 6:59 PM
To get back to those pesky facts gas was over $4.00 per gallon in the summer of 2008 and only was down for a very short period of time. Gas price in 1980 was $1.25 and in today's money that translates to about $3.50 per gallon. Gas price in 2008 is a bit of a red herring anyway. If the economy is to blame for poor attendance then every short track that is struggling might as well fold. There is no dramatic turn around in the economy on the horizon. To simply blame the economy is to give up. The two guys who have commented that are running tracks have it right. It is about promotion and meeting the need the consumer has. I don't have the answers or I would be buying a track. My fear is that the hard core fan may not like what it will take to get butts in the seats. We may be too set in our ways.
3 Likes: BrentTFunk, PJ Wright, TQ97
racer-x (Offline)
  #25 8/27/14 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by BrentTFunk:
When midgets were king it was when our country was recovering from the depression and 2 World wars. Not everything is political, including common sense
One big difference Mr. Funk. We are headed into a depression not out of one. Those in touch with the truth know it. Those that believe the media are going to get a big surprise. That isn't meant to be political, that my friend is common sense.
Likes: Flatrightrear
jim goerge (Offline)
  #26 8/28/14 12:59 AM
Originally Posted by Stevensville Mike:
I agree that all are good points here. One more thing I am going to interject is TV coverage. Back in the 80s, USAC got a lot of coverage out of Thursday Night Thunder and subsequently Saturday Night Thunder. In the early to mid 90s, TNN had the Slick 50 Sprint Car World Series from Manazanita and then Canyon Raceway for three years airing over the Winter months. This gave sprint cars a LOT of air time and hooked in a bunch of fans, I am guessing.

Now, 20 some odd years later, with the exception of the WoO Sprints tape delayed on the old Outdoor Channel 7-8 years ago, which, in my opinion, was GREAT, this well has run dry. There is nothing out there to reel new fans in. Sure, you have the end of the year stuff at the Dirt Track at Charlotte, but there is no Knoxville Nationals or Chili Bowl live coverage anymore, no Thunder, no Winter series, etc.
Back in the 80s and early 90s when we had sprints and midgets on TV I got 8 to 9 guys to watch it and they came in to work talking about how kool and good the racing was so I asked them about going to see it live and everyone of them said samething Why should I pay to get in when I see it for free? I tried explaineing why but I never got them to go
flagboy55 (Offline)
  #27 8/28/14 2:27 AM
I think mike makes a good point about how the TV races helped promote short track racing. Mav TV is doing a great job of it now, but not everyone has it. To his point, when the outlaws were on TV was back in the time they built the dirt track in joliet. The first woo race there was almost standing room. They never duplicated that crowd. Why? A lot of first timers came and got covered in dust, so the sport we love kinda shot itself in the foot. That said i don't think they would have filled it up the first time had not the TV races drawn interest.
BrentTFunk (Offline)
  #28 8/28/14 7:08 AM
Just for the record, I have spent a good portion of my free time studying attendance and trying to help promote racing. This is only what I have found, and may be different from other places. I feel that many other thing are having a worse effect than the economy. On any given Sunday at Kokomo 75 to 80% of those in attendance come from at least 50 miles away. If gas prices were the only problem, I don't think it would be that way. Not saying it is not a factor, just that it is a lot more to it than that. I am always amazed when ever I return from a race anywhere, and there are pages of people on this site who did not attend, but lived pretty close to the track. Didn't have that in the old days.
6 Likes: flagboy55, i love dirt track racing, mowerman, PJ Wright, racer-x, ronmil
TQ29m (Online)
  #29 8/28/14 9:40 AM
Don't ya think social media has had a big influence on that, I know in the late 40's up thru the late 70's, even further into the 80's, best ya had was a "land line", couldn't keep many informed that way, then along came the cell phone, internet, tweet, twitter and no telling what else, I know myself, I like to be able to just peek in, and see what's going on, I no longer have the income I had a few years ago, I spent it all on racing, now I only get to indulge when it's close by, I mean within 20-30 miles, almost like it was when mom and dad could only go once a week, to Columbus, to see a race, we had 2 choices, Thursday nite at the 25th Street Fairgrounds, or the "Pit" on Sundays, just off 7 at the East edge of Columbus, both about the same distance from our house, 15 miles or so, one way. That also was an effect of the economy. Bob

"Being old, isn't half as much fun, as getting there"! Ole Robert I!
2 Likes: BrentTFunk, SWScaleChassis
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