Sprint Car & Midget Racing Forum

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Mud Packer (Offline)
  #61 7/4/14 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by Shawn Harper:
Bill, does this mean Billy P won't be getting his royalty check? Lol
Probably will be getting a check just not with as many zeros behind the first digit. I hate that when that happens.


Be nice to people on the way up. You might need them on the way down. Jimmy Durante
Likes: dirtnonwingfan
on_the_edge (Offline)
  #62 7/4/14 10:45 AM
What's changed is in order to keep up with the Jones's you gotta have new rubber on. This new tire seems to hold up very well in Nebraska I think Hines said he ran that same tire for 3 nights. Depends a lot on track conditions as to how the tire holds up through it all. Getting into the hot summer months we probably won't see multiple nights on a tire but overall it seems to do what it's supposed to and rightfully should with a $200 price tag. This thread has drifted so far from where it started maybe Steve and Carla should post another one and all the haters and nay sayers should stay on this one.
Likes: dirtnonwingfan
Bill Gardner (Offline)
  #63 7/4/14 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by Shawn Harper:
Bill, does this mean Billy P won't be getting his royalty check? Lol
Billy gets 3rd place money... but the IOW payout does drop off pretty fast and since I don't have a payout posted nobody really knows what its worth. I'm afraid there might be a boycott coming soon. lol

Originally Posted by grumpy racer:
I don,t think we will make the record. Damn it man Lol. Bill to set the facts the dt3 durometers,that hard to spell for a idiot like me anyway,its a 50 the old ht2 we used last year came out at 42 the new med. compound this year is a 48 as you see very close to dt3 so whats changed. I have to think some is track conditions dry slickys eat tires. You can put this on daylight savings time or lack of prep but sometimes locked down tracks make follow the leader races there we can debate that one LOL. Got to go races tonite USAC at Putm. Can someone tell me where to get one of those black outlaw looking hats. I want to wear it at I.S.W so haters know who to boo. I will get DD and Carla white ones can,t boo the good guys you know.
That Dam Durometer. lol Shot that idea down. Good luck tonight!

4 Likes: BrentTFunk, budsauto25, dirtnonwingfan, Kellen Conover
racenut69 (Offline)
  #64 7/4/14 5:32 PM
I'm starting a new thread..

There is always room for one more in the corner! I'm disguised as a responsible adult!...
Michael Carter....
dirtnonwingfan (Offline)
  #65 7/5/14 11:29 AM
It has been interesting to follow the comments on a thread which was started by a low-buck race team trying to raise a little money for Indiana Sprint Week. We all know, or should know, how difficult it is for small teams to raise enough funding to keep going, especially in a national series. Many of the comments were positive about this innovative approach. A few, however, think that $500 is too much to spend for a night with a USAC team which finished 2nd last year to a much more well-financed team and is again in 2nd place this year with USAC Triple Crown winner and future hall of famer Dave Darland. As we know, Dave is also rewriting records all over the place. Most readers who can not or will not pay for an evening such as this, with full team access, tee shirt, pit pass, pictures (including the very real possibility of a picture with Steve, Carla, Dave and the team in victory lane) , etc., moved on to another thread. Some, however, decided that they had a better idea, that $500 was too much, that the price should be $250. Fine. I am sure that a much better idea, and to prove it I will match fans who give the Phillips team $250 for this experience with my own $250. This gives Team Phillips the original $500. PUT UP OR SHUT UP!

Frank Daigh
22 Likes: #1Brad Kuhn Fan, 1BIGracefan, Andrew S. Quinn, Bill Gardner, Bobv, BrentTFunk, Charles Nungester, Claybird33, Dauminator5, HARFprez, Honest-Sam, Kansasdirtfan, Mattvp52, Midget 89, mowerman, openwheelfan1, oppweld, Pat O'Connor Fan, pat54, racenut69, Shawn Harper, wbr
grumpy racer (Offline)
  #66 7/5/14 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by dirtnonwingfan:
It has been interesting to follow the comments on a thread which was started by a low-buck race team trying to raise a little money for Indiana Sprint Week. We all know, or should know, how difficult it is for small teams to raise enough funding to keep going, especially in a national series. Many of the comments were positive about this innovative approach. A few, however, think that $500 is too much to spend for a night with a USAC team which finished 2nd last year to a much more well-financed team and is again in 2nd place this year with USAC Triple Crown winner and future hall of famer Dave Darland. As we know, Dave is also rewriting records all over the place. Most readers who can not or will not pay for an evening such as this, with full team access, tee shirt, pit pass, pictures (including the very real possibility of a picture with Steve, Carla, Dave and the team in victory lane) , etc., moved on to another thread. Some, however, decided that they had a better idea, that $500 was too much, that the price should be $250. Fine. I am sure that a much better idea, and to prove it I will match fans who give the Phillips team $250 for this experience with my own $250. This gives Team Phillips the original $500. PUT UP OR SHUT UP!
Wow thank you Frank this is the kind of passionate racing fan I talked about early in the thread. Frank has helped us so much in so many ways it would take a page to name them all. Carla and I are so lucky to have Frank ,Steve S.Chris J. Kyle H. B T Miller and all our other product people we look at them as not only sponsors but team members and most of all our friends thank you from the center of our hearts. I said to Carla a month ago look at that car we have so many great folks trying to help on limited budgets that thing looks like a damn billboared. So sounds to me in my screwed up opinion that the gauntlet we will see who has substance. I will post if we get any takers.
2 Likes: BrentTFunk, Midget 89
1BIGracefan (Offline)
  #67 7/5/14 12:36 PM
It's the fastest billboard I've ever seen!

Likes: dirtnonwingfan
Charles Nungester (Offline)
  #68 7/5/14 12:45 PM
Awesome Frank

Charles Nungester
Likes: Midget 89
grumpy racer (Offline)
  #69 7/6/14 10:13 PM
I want to thank Frank, and Chris Jockish of Jockish flowers both have helped us for ISW. These are men who go way above average to help not only us but other teams. Frank will bring food to us Tracy Hines, Chase Stockon and all are welcome. Chris does things for a couple of us. Its Sunday looks like no one is stepping up its ok just makes me more hungry to win. Carla is working on another promotion for kids at Kokomo so watch for the anouncement.
Likes: BrentTFunk
racegal (Offline)
  #70 7/15/14 4:09 PM
It was super great meeting and hanging out with Doug!
It sure was a great night!!

DD FAN-atic!! Susan St. Catherine
God bless America and our troops
Likes: Charles Nungester
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