Sprint Car & Midget Racing Forum

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  #41 6/30/12 10:15 AM
Funny you mention Wyoming, were thinking of moving there. lol.
Gregg (Offline)
  #42 6/30/12 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by backitin:
Funny you mention Wyoming, were thinking of moving there. lol.
I went to Wyoming twice on a motorcycle trip many years ago. What it may lack in racing it more than makes up in natural wonders. I just loved it there.

Once while taking a break in the middle of nowhere in Wyoming we heard this rumble. We walked back where we heard the noise and among the trees was a beautiful 6-8 foot waterfall. My thinking is if we could move that waterfall to Ohio we would probably build a state park around it but this was just average in Wyoming.
  #43 6/30/12 10:57 AM
Nice ! I'm big into the woods, the farther in the better.
bojo20 (Offline)
  #44 6/30/12 2:41 PM
Just want to say my little THANK YOU to Bill also.We have some constant complainers but we have by far more who just love and appreciate the site and all you do Bill.I also have cancer but am leaving soon for my 16th straight sprint week also have 16 straight chili bowl events and have no intention of stopping.Hang in there Bill.In my prayers.
  #45 6/30/12 4:10 PM
In Response To Dave Argabrights Post We are so lucky as race fans to not only have Dave writing wonderful books but to have Bill Gardner keeping IOW alive while struggling to live hisself ! I've never met Bill but as an advertiser I've spoken with him several times and feel he is just like The site TOP NOTCH. Now for a comment on HARF, it's just like IOW love it or leave it ! I've had the privilege of becoming great friends with the Prez Bob Black, Bob and Vicki Live And Breath the club and do many, Many things time and money wise no one ever knows about. For 15 US American Bucks HARF is a must do. Bob and I will be doing all of ISW again this year and if you have concerns about the club just find the Old Auctioneer Show Furrin The Prez and let ole Bob know what's on your mind
Likes: Danny Burton
HARFprez (Offline)
  #46 6/30/12 6:39 PM
"ALL" of ISW's? I thought you had an auction house to run on Thursday nights? Plus you can't really take Bill or Dave's opinion of HARF too seriously, we've given them both prestigious awards in the past, so they're kinda on the take, jk. Everyone should have the chance to meet Bill in person, he's just like you imagine, down to earth & would do anything for a race fan, but don't ask for cash, he still has to pay his way into most races. bob
2 Likes: mowerman, SprintManDave
Danny Burton (Offline)
  #47 6/30/12 8:48 PM
Bill Gardner, among others, has his priorities straight. Today was a good reminder.

I've been at or near both ends of the emotional spectrum today. This morning we said good-bye to a dear four legged buddy, our American Eskimo named Yogi.

Immediately after we left Yogi's remains at the pet cemetery I stopped by Dave Foist's house so we could head east for lunch with noted movie star Marv Fish. Nearly 2 hours of lunch, laughing and even a bit of philosophizing did all 3 of us some good.

We determined that we're here only by the grace of what I'll call God. (Feel free to call it or Him what you wish. No matter to me.) By a matter of inches and seconds Marv is still here with us. And we all can say the same thing, even if it's not nearly as dramatic or near disastrous as Marv's experience.

I'd better add that Marv actually looked good and is mostly his old self. That, to me, is a very good thing.

After all this, here I am at home tonight for change. I've no plans to ask about updates. If there are there, fine. If not, I'll get by with whatever is here to keep me busy. It's been quite a day for sure and overall a good one.

If anyone hears me complaining (not the same as commenting) about track conditions, weather, HARF, bad food, obnoxious race fans or anything else, just find me and smack me upside the head.

I'm just about old enough to be Bill Gardner's daddy. One of my priorities is doing what little I can for Bill and anyone else I can help in any way. For sure, some days are going to be worse than others for each of us. But let us not allow our sour attitudes or the natural course of human events drag us down.

Speaking of priorities, please excuse me. I have laundry to do and lots of it.

Quiet, numbskulls. I'm broadcasting.
8 Likes: davidm, Gregg, mowerman, Mud Packer, PJ Wright, ronmil, SprintManDave
LTFD32 (Offline)
  #48 6/30/12 9:00 PM
thoes who ***** know now what they do
pjohnson (Offline)
  #49 7/1/12 12:37 PM
I to am a cancer surviver of 21 years it did lots of damage to me and my life but i beat it back just have to keep the faith. Thanks for this site i found alot of parts and info i needed. To all the promotors thank you for giving us a place to race. Maybe the complainers should give promoting a try you may learn something about it then. Its kinda like cancer alot of people talk about it like they know it all but until you have to live it you just dont really know anything about. Bill you are in our prayers
6 Likes: cope42, Danny Burton, davidm, Jerry Shaw, Mud Packer, PJ Wright
Mud Packer (Offline)
  #50 7/1/12 5:33 PM

The view of the world and racing for a cancer patient/suvivor is quite a bit different than the view of the "fan" waiting at home on his computer for updates. Continue the fight and may the Almighty continue to keep you in his hands. I appreciate you and all of the work you have done to make IOW "THE RACING SITE". So many of us owe you a great deal for bringing us together in one place. Keep the faith!


Be nice to people on the way up. You might need them on the way down. Jimmy Durante
3 Likes: mowerman, PJ Wright, pjohnson
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