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dant (Offline)
  #21 7/20/11 10:13 PM
Believe it or not the guys in the cars are almost better off than the fans because they are more conditioned to the heat, and are active.........********..put on nomex underwear-nomex socks-2layer driving suit-race shoes-headsock -helmet-driving gloves..then sit in the sun[simulating waiting to get pushoff] for 20 min. then tell me your as comfortable as the guy sitting in the shade,sipping iced tea in 't' shirt and shorts....racers pay a price in extreme heat..bottom line ..the track may have made the right call here for all involved
4 Likes: Dannypollock24, Kansasdirtfan, racerfanx2, tirespinner
sprintsrule (Offline)
  #22 7/20/11 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by Mud Packer:
Disappointed yes. But on life's big road, this is just a slight bump. Trust me, there are much bigger things in life to worry about than this.'s too short for even just one worker/driver/team member/ fan etc .to fall to heat exhaustion or anything else serious. Everyone handles weather conditions differently, if you are a hero and can do it all outside in this extreme heat wave, my hat's off to you.
Let's just respect the decision they have made....and either go to another track or enjoy a night of family time.

If the heat isn't an issue, then build a bonfire and roast some marshmallows !
6 Likes: BHAS SpeedMedic, jim goerge, Kansasdirtfan, PJ Wright, speed bump, tirespinner
terrehautian (Offline)
  #23 7/20/11 10:21 PM
When it is 91° outside at 10:20pm, it is beyond July Indiana weather. As others have said, many are going to show up and drink alcohol (which causes more thirst) and not drink enough water. They will possibly get heat stroke. Then you got drivers who can't wear shorts and a t shirt.....understandably, you will get some fans who are not happy, but even though I could afford a trip to LPS this week, it is not happening for me for a few reasons, main one being the heat (other being I got to work on my moms van).

Adam K.
apexonephoto (Offline)
  #24 7/20/11 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by EldoraMark:
I been going to the races since 1966 and never seen one called off due to heat. They race in Kansas Texas, Arkansas in this heat all the time.
I saw state, City, and construction workers WORKING in this heat today. Our shop was about 110 inside and we had guys with welding clothing on. Yes it's hot but that is July for you.
It's your track and your call but I think you made a mistake.
Now I'm going back in the Air condition
Originally Posted by kasey2020:
Well, that's definitely a first. I guess I can see both sides of it. However, with all of the rainouts we've had so far, seems like an awful risky call! Can't have perfect weather all of the is Indiana after all. Hopefully, this isn't a trend with other tracks. I think you race and let people make their own decision as to whether or not to attend. Then again, I don't own or operate a racetrack.
August 13 of 2010 Bloomington cancelled.

I think from a promoters point of view it's the right call. I'm planning 5 straight days of racing next week, and to me the end of July is the best time to be going to races. But that don't mean I'm a good customer to any of those racetracks!
2 Likes: jim goerge, tirespinner
kasey2020 (Offline)
  #25 7/20/11 11:01 PM
You are all acting like people are forced to be out in this heat to watch a race! It is a personal choice if you want to go sit in this stuff or not. Nobody has a gun to your head to go and watch. Even for the drivers and teams...if you think it's too hot, don't go! At least give us the choice though. I understand there is a lot of money at stake, but that's part of it. I don't think the decision is right or wrong, I just think it might be a little bit much to call it because of heat.
Likes: smith19
apexonephoto (Offline)
  #26 7/20/11 11:18 PM
To me it's the same as those early spring, late fall, dew on your face, cold races that have low attendance. I think if it's better for a track to sit idle and not make any money then to risk it and lose money is a much better idea.

Again, I go to those late March, early April races that have hardly any fans... It can't go on forever.
3 Likes: jim goerge, racephoto, tirespinner
  #27 7/20/11 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by bigpimpin35:
From a fans perspective, I can understand the frustration. As for me, I love this hot weather. I complain about the cold all winter long and wish it stays like this! When it comes to the drivers' safety however, I can understand the decision. I don't know how they do it in the underwear and the firesuit. Especially during sprint week in Bloomington. Always seems about 10 degrees hotter in the pits there! But as for everyone calling this a "heat wave" and "the hottest in 70 years"....come on..It's like this every July in Indiana!!!! Try bailing some hay and stacking it in a barn on a day like today...then you can complain

Been there done that for years man.
HRI99 (Offline)
  #28 7/20/11 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by kasey2020:
You are all acting like people are forced to be out in this heat to watch a race! It is a personal choice if you want to go sit in this stuff or not. Nobody has a gun to your head to go and watch. Even for the drivers and teams...if you think it's too hot, don't go! At least give us the choice though. I understand there is a lot of money at stake, but that's part of it. I don't think the decision is right or wrong, I just think it might be a little bit much to call it because of heat.
Those of us that run for points HAVE to go or else waste what we have worked for all year. It's only a week I'm sure everyone will survive just fine till next Friday night. Thank u jiggs and Phil for the call
Posted via Mobile Device
Likes: tirespinner
LocalYokel (Offline)
  #29 7/21/11 12:05 AM
I applaud the call. The bleachers would've been sparse, and the track would have been junk no matter how much prep went into it. Everyone relax, theirs always next weekend.
Posted via Mobile Device
4 Likes: jim goerge, koolaid89, SteveD, tirespinner
Wallsracing (Offline)
  #30 7/21/11 12:05 AM
bout 3 yrs ago a bunch of em cancelled in illinois...i do think bloomngton did also
Likes: tirespinner
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