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  #71 1/10/08 1:21 PM
Kevin is not the first driver to go through a season like he did last year. No doubt that there is room for improvement in his skills. What amazes me is the continued bashing that he recieves. Yes he needs to demonstrate changes to his driving habits in order to recieve the desirved praises for the talent he has. He is not the first driver that ever had problems, or will he ever be the last. His return next season will hopefully demonstrate his ability and desire to improve and scucceed in this sport. I look forward to seeing him return wth renewed emphisis for a successful safe season of racing.
Pine (Offline)
  #72 1/10/08 1:23 PM
Originally Posted by Hawker:
Pine - Keep showing you stupidity. I'll compare event attended with you or anyone else on this board ANY DAY. Where a person calls home has no meaning on his "level of being a fan". I have been to races all over the country and I've seen the greatest drivers to ever strap in. I'd be willing to bet that I've seen a wider variety of nonwing racing than you could ever dream about.

Here's a little trivia for ya. The biggest nonwing race in the WORLD is where? OKLAHOMA.......Where's the 2nd biggest nonwing race? KANSAS..... Where's the 3rd biggest nonwing race? Arizona....Where was the highest paying nonwing race of all time? OHIO........ How's the nonwing racing out there in PA? Oops, sorry to blow your cover...

BTW, where are you this week? Had to miss out on the best racing on the planet? Sorry about your luck. Maybe next year...
If you think where your from has no bearing on how you SEE a race your kidding yourself. When Sammy comes through your neck of the woods, and takes someone out, or gives them a wheel for position or to qualify or for the win, because he wasn't able to get by, by racing them, it was probably just Kinser or Schatz or Wolfgang or Blaney or Haud or Shuman, ect. ect. ect. That's great racing RIGHT. BUT, he's been taking our top drivers out for 25 years. From Paxton and Smokey Snellbaker in the 80's to Lance and Rahmer 2000's. For you its good close racing, for me/us its PERSONAL. So yea after many years and many bonehead moves, I do have a hard on for Swindell. Someone's going to say they all do it at times. TRUE, but no one is as BLATANT or unforgiving as he is. Fast forward to 2007, Kevin in USAC. All I'll say is WOW......

I've been going to the races since the late 60's, I was young at the time, but I too have seen some of the greats that strapped into a sprint car. I also read your post's on the other board and I have no doubt you seen much much much better and more non-wing racing than I have or probably ever will. But since 1997 I've some some pretty good chit myself.

On your trivia: I don't know the answers. But I would have to put:
The PAS Oval Nationals
Indiana Sprintweek and
The Four Crown in there somewhere........

As for Non-wing sprints in PA, we have NONE:thumbsdown:. But we do have non-wing midgets thanks to ARDC....

I've been from PA to Florida to California to Wisconsin and have no desire to go to the Chili Bowl or Knoxville. So as for next year probably not.
Have fun at the Bowl :checkered:
D.O. (Offline)
  #73 1/10/08 2:16 PM
Yo to all !

Lots of beating up going on here so please don't get personal and nasty. If your pizzzed at somebody PM them don't dump them here.

Interesting post.

I think the kid can drive for sure but ends up crashed or pitting on a family show. Hopefully somebody in NASCAR finds him a seat for a while.

It's the family you love to hate, just like Dallas TV show.

Give Slammy some credit, the old man still has the passion enough to fight.

His Kokomo deal with WIndom does make you wonder?

Pine (Offline)
  #74 1/10/08 2:42 PM
I agree with everything you said D.O., SORRY for my part:wink1:
  #75 1/10/08 4:03 PM
doug is right , how many of you people on this panel have driven or own a sprint car , maybe 10 % and of that 10% you don't here them talking about his driving . Because most of the time these 810 hp. beasts are driving you not you driving them. And yes Kevin does need too calm down a little bit and get it a little more under control . Untill you have driven one don't judge !!! Because they are a hand full that want too go every were you don't them too go . No I am not a Swindell fan I am a Kinser fan and I've driven and I own one.
Joe Kidd
  #76 1/10/08 4:55 PM
Originally Posted by Pine:
I do have a hard on for Swindell.:
I'm telling your wife. You are married aren't you?
PIT CART (Offline)
  #77 1/10/08 6:07 PM
How many people would bash Sammy to his face? Not me.
Pine (Offline)
  #78 1/10/08 6:20 PM
Originally Posted by Joe Kidd:
I'm telling your wife. You are married aren't you?
:help:.............Engaged for 10 years....
paynter23 (Offline)
  #79 1/10/08 6:24 PM
heres an idea. why dont you all strap into a sprint car and TRY to make kevin look as stupid as you make him sound?? :thumb: waiiit, your too busy bashing him on the internet
  #80 1/10/08 6:32 PM
thank you paynter23
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