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Offy22 (Offline)
  #101 12/19/07 12:18 PM
Kevin's Ball Boys, Nellie totin' the right one and Hawker on t'other. Now there be a trio for ye!!!!:moon:
Glad Brad
  #102 12/24/07 1:13 PM
Valet Parking.
  #103 12/24/07 3:16 PM
i have read alot i myself isnt a big sammy fan but kevins not sammy as far as not having brakes he shouldnt have been out there and i read he pulled in and it was noticed that the rotor was gone and he still went back out i know from driving my self that things are different from the stands then they are in the car and its frustrating to get ran over and youre car is broke because not all of us have big budget for parts and i believe that kevin needs to face the problems him self having sammy fighting for him isnt right and if it was done on perpose than he needs to stand and take the heat
tonyj (Offline)
  #104 12/24/07 5:58 PM
I think everbody needs to realize that Kevin is still in the EARLY stages of his career. I know myself, that I did dumb things learning my trade as's human nature, & a very valuable teaching tool.

As far as Sammy fighting his battles....I doubt Kevin called Sammy from the frontstretch at PAS to intercept Clayton. Being a parent myself, I would be willing to bet it was instictual on Sammy's part more than anything else.

It would be ironic if Kevin reached the "golden ring" known as NASCAR, & gave back to the sport such as KKR, & TSR have done.....& see what the bashers say then!

  #105 12/26/07 2:42 PM
Go Sammy & Ricky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Flatrightrear (Offline)
  #106 12/26/07 5:15 PM
Isn't it about time to say to this thread "And to all a good night?" This horse is dead.
Closed Thread