Sprint Car & Midget Racing Forum

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dirtmom (Offline)
  #11 2/6/10 3:31 PM
Go dakoda!!! Hope you have a great day!!!
modlady (Offline)
  #12 2/6/10 4:02 PM
Dakoda keep your head up and good luck. miss seeing you at the burg. but best of luck in your future.
midgetmaniac (Offline)
  #13 2/6/10 4:05 PM

Edited by Bill Gardner
  #14 2/6/10 4:38 PM

Edited by Bill Gardner
apexonephoto (Offline)
  #15 2/6/10 4:45 PM
I don't really think Daytona has a whole lot to do with any driver abilities as much as avoiding the inevitable. Best of luck to Dakoda nonetheless.

I could name at least 25 guys who have more money than Dakoda. This is big time auto racing in 2010. If you look at the ARCA entries at Daytona over the last few years, it's always full of kids or adults who have more money the most of us do. If that affords some other less funded people to still make it in to the race than great. More often then not there is a big bank account behind almost all of the racers in Daytona. Racing isn't the most cost effective sport whether we like it or not.

Look at the names and you will do a "oh yeah whatever happened to that guy", because if they can't drive they go away after a few months.

Notice that guys who don't win races in their existing series, still don't win them in the next series.

Kelly Bires (great super late model driver from Wisconsin) is probably gonna take a back seat to Danica Patrick. Now that sucks, nobody ever mentions that kinda stuff when it happens.
midgetmaniac (Offline)
  #16 2/6/10 4:57 PM
I want Dakota to do well so better open wheel drivers continue to get there shot. If we have to many flops the owners may stop looking in the open wheel ranks for good young talent.
Bruce Harrison (Offline)
  #17 2/6/10 5:50 PM
Originally Posted by midgetmaniac:
Admin edit
I've got my list, too. It's called the "Ignore List". Bye now...
OpenwheelRob (Offline)
  #18 2/6/10 6:11 PM
Crashed and done! Maybe next time...Right rear cut down on the restart
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