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ryoung99 (Offline)
  #31 8/18/09 2:39 PM
Originally Posted by Kirk Spridgeon:
BCRA will never be the trend-setter. USAC controls the trends in Midgets and Sprint Cars. Just like the World of Outlaws control the trends of winged sprint cars. Until the big hitters that run with USAC are changed, then the whole world of midgets will not change...
The BCRA is not trying to be a "trend setter" in fact they really do not care about the trend. Trends come and go....

I get that you are a USAC guy and there is nothing wrong with that, in fact I admire your conviction. As for changing midget racing, I can tell you that it is only a matter of time before USAC is not the trend setter. You cannot set trends with the low following that they have. It is but a matter of time before someone comes in with a better idea (plan, program) that makes them irrelevant. I mean let's face it the most successful midget race in the country is not even a USAC event. USAC should be thankful that Hahn has not focused more on midget racing as he has the network to make USAC irrelevant. But from where I sit and what I see that is all changing.

USAC used to be relevant in Indy car racing, they are now irrelevant.
USAC used to be relevant in sprint car racing, now they are irrelevant.
Hell, USAC used to be relevant in stock car racing, now they are irrelevant.

Save me the, USAC is relevant for non-wing sprint cars, speach as it is irrelevant. The ASCS has 4+ times the number of members as USAC. ASCS and WoO have made USAC irrelevant when it comes to sprint car racing and the day will come when that is the case with midget racing as well, unless USAC makes some drastic changes.

I mean there was a time when USAC was dominant... then they lost Indy, then the failed to recognized the drawing power of winged sprints, then they failed to recognize the need for a 360 sprint car division. History is showing that the USAC business model (what ever that is) is only setting them up for failure and their control of midget racing will be the next to fall, IMO.

I know this is hard to believe, but things change and you either change with them or you become extinct.

Visionaries create the future, historians defend the past, which do you want to be?
3 Likes: dirtnonwingfan, Ovalmeister, SUPERDUKE
17racer (Offline)
  #32 8/18/09 3:10 PM
Ouch.... but so true.
Midget racing it seems is having a bigger struggle than sprints because of the cost of motors and their diversity vs what midgets race for. Fix the problem. As long as Esslinger or Mopar pays the bills or supplies the big teams with the best stuff the little guys doesnt have a chance. If an when the little guys quit showing up..... which they have began to do country wide, the big guys wont have enough to run with of book events. Many fans love to come see the best get challenged. Find a way to keep the big guys there but dont kill off the regular guy in the process. But somebody better start thinking about the fan base, the show & entertainment value for the admission. IF the FANS dont come... all of this bickering and the power struggle is a mute point unless you want to run for the back gate only. What sponsors are signing up for that giveaway program in this economy?
There needs to be some common sense. A basic plan and a starting point. Why not now... today?
Likes: dirtnonwingfan
Wilkepak (Offline)
  #33 8/18/09 4:44 PM
If you all spent half the effort you spend complaining about how bad USAC is and focused that towards fixing the problem in a NON-INTERNET CHAT ROOM manner, you might get some real progress. Don please enlighten us on the upstart costs of starting; oh say a music production business. I’m sure even in the Music business there are a few barriers to entry, like midget racing can't you agree. Now I don't expect any constructive rebuttal from Mr. Moore, in fact I expect him to correct my grammar and then tell me about how I must have done bad in school, or maybe he will talk about how my family is somehow a exception to all the economics of racing and we just throw away money, which I assure you is erroneous.

I personaly disagree with alot of the decisions USAC makes, and there lack of unity with other sanctions, yet I won't pubicly voice my opnions, and resort to bashing those whom share different opnions with me. I will however make personal efforts outside of the public forum to help create solutions to problems.

We first need to UNITE all the sactions and then we can move forward.

I wish some of us were less intrested in schadenfreude, and more intrested in unity. Don.

"If you have time to whine and complain about something then you have the time to do something about it." -
Likes: Fred Zirzow
DonMoore10 (Offline)
  #34 8/18/09 6:07 PM
Real simple, Chris Wilke. The thread is not about me.
rhk3 (Offline)
  #35 8/18/09 8:18 PM
Good use of "erroneous " I would say!!
  #36 8/18/09 8:43 PM
Originally Posted by aussiemidgetfan:
Nobody going to have a go at this idea then? For those who don't understand 25mm is about an inch
We already have a series like that (IRS) and they do really well in my opinion but others think they are boring and low key so I highly doubt it appeases the masses.

25.4 MM = 1 inch.
17racer (Offline)
  #37 8/18/09 9:02 PM
I think the issue is philosophical not technical. Youre rght on limiting air as its a pretty simple task... maybe 1" is too small but how about 2"? I bet esslinger could tell you eactly how to accommodate it and drop 40 hp. The point is once yit seems people are in the big time, people feel theyve earned it. TRUE!. Let the next wanna be earn it too? Sound reasonible? I can understand this... but if car counts fall to a point of not booking races or of canceling big time events with much prestige.... Where is the common sense? Midget motors are the issues with midgets once you get past small tracks... plain and simple. Yes tires or the ability and the rules that allow endless use of new doesnt help. A little competition for tire sales would help but it kills point fund.... which hurts big teams..... true? In the history of midget racing... did the guy with the biggest motor on dirt always win? how about pavement? There are more variables here than a simple explanation can ever provide. But the groups than want good paying races ie lots of cars & fans and ultimately media coverage for attacting sponsors, had better find a reasonible balance.

---------- Post added at 08:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:02 PM ----------

I get so fired up I forget to spell check or check grammar. Hopefuly the points arent diminished.
Likes: Ovalmeister
thebus79h (Offline)
  #38 8/19/09 10:41 AM
Racing isn't going to be cheap, I get that. But to have 10 midgets show up to a "National" race. That's downright embarassing. Wonder why USAC can't hold a sponsor? With 10 cars, who freaking could. Jeesh, the economy is in the tank, but yet, WoO doesn't seem to have problems getting people to the races, and cars on the track, and they charge a bloody fortune to get into the track. But you know what, I have no problems going to the WoO races, and the only sprint car race I've been to all year has been the Friday night WoO race at the Burg (awesome, btw). Could I have gone for the sprint week show? Yeah, I work 10 minutes from there and was off work in time. I decided not to, because it was a sunny day and potentially USAC could have pulled the plug on it like they've done in the past. There has been a LOT of bonehead decisions made by USAC and their "consulting". QUIT CONSULTING WITH PEOPLE!!! I've lost ALL confidence in USAC to do the right thing, and get things in order.


OBVIOUSLY USAC listening to everybody isn't helping, it's hurting them. I like many of you really hoped that Kevin Miller was the savior of USAC, and we were wrong as this comment he said back in 08 states. And if he was taken out of context, I'm 100% positive that something would have been posted on a retraction of it. People have to remove themselves from USAC's ******* and start thinking. Why pay more money to get into a USAC show with the same drivers that I can see at Gas City?

How in the hell can an organization be respected, that can't even make a schedule that doesn't conflict with something they are already doing!!! ASCS has it figured out... Knoxville 360 Nationals comes to mind. No other ASCS winged series races. Duh. How hard is that?

What I want to know, is how people don't think a series of rule changes wouldn't help? They dont have to be now, but if a big team has 5, 30k midget engines, then that's fine. Allow them to run those said engines for the next three years, and say in 2014, they have to go to this certain engine. Or even better yet, grandfather those blocks in, along with the fuel injection, and change internal components. I'm not an engine builder so I don't know what to do, but it CAN be done. It has to be. Oh wait... I forgot, USAC has engine builders and car builders lining their pockets so rule changes can't be made.

Like Barhorst said a long time ago, USAC can't go forward, with engine builders and car builders sitting in on board meetings.
2 Likes: Ovalmeister, ryoung99
TQ29m (Offline)
  #39 8/19/09 11:50 AM
I had intended to stay out of this, because I don't have a dog in the fight, well, almost, but if I ever made a good decision, it was in 1991, when I chose Not to buy a Midget, I wanted one so bad I could taste it, but even then, finding any racing on a local level, was limited, and the engine costs even then, were out of the working man's reach. I dearly love midget racing, having grown up, and worked just across the street from Justin King's operation. I do own a midget, actually 2, a 3/4 that I currently run, and a vintage Hilligass full midget, yet to be restored, pre WWII, a roller of sorts. I know later, I could have ran at the Bush Stadium, and did, went to the inaugural race with a friend who had a midget, and ran my TQ there as well. I don't have an answer, a good place to start, would be engine costs, and spec tires, I know this'll get something started, but why not run an OPEN engine, as long as it came out of a car, no newer than say 1990, something everyone has access to, like the V8-60's in their day, which by the way, was still being produced, and sold in passenger cars thru 1958, they had been stroked a 1/4, and the adv HP raised to 100, I'm not saying V8's, but there were a lot of good, 4cyl engines, that still have aftermarket parts available, look at all the Hornet's, there is an engine base, but maybe if the blue collar Joe could afford it, maybe it would generate some interest, and maybe even spread. I understand why CORR has such a following, mud, dirt, high HP, lotsa noise, chassis savy, rubbin and racin, lefts and rights, they seem to have it all, but again, a high dollar series. Anyway, that's my .02 for it, I just hate to see all the bashing that is going on, doesn't help put cars on any track, and no one on the Pine. Bob

"Being old, isn't half as much fun, as getting there"! Ole Robert I!
Likes: Ovalmeister
  #40 8/19/09 12:28 PM
Spridge take note;
I personaly disagree with alot of the decisions USAC makes, and there lack of unity with other sanctions, yet I won't pubicly voice my opnions, and resort to bashing those whom share different opnions with me. I will however make personal efforts outside of the public forum to help create solutions to problems.
Gotta love ya baby!
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