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Dirtfan (Offline)
  #31 9/21/09 2:06 PM
Originally Posted by DbSr:
This display of despicable behavior was not done by a casual race fan.....Anybody that frequents this board knows who it was and the offender should be ashamed of themselves...They and they alone should be the one offering a apology
They probably don't remember, too much wobbly pop.

Dan Hetser

"Today is a Gift, Tomorrow is not Promised"
Kevracer58 (Offline)
  #32 9/21/09 5:59 PM
Is it just me, or is rude or boorish behavior becoming more and more accepted in society?
Jim Halpert (Offline)
  #33 9/21/09 6:17 PM
Originally Posted by Kevracer58:
Is it just me, or is rude or boorish behavior becoming more and more accepted in society?
You are absolutely right...we now live in the Youtube, Jackass, "Hey give me my 15 seconds of fame" generation. Ignorant and rude behavior are very prevalent everywhere you go...not that I'm innocent, but it isn't a habit like it is with some people.

DbSr, we were aware who this person was and have seen some uncalled for behavior before from her...but this was an outburst that had to be recognized. I would disagree with your description of her as a race "fan." There were a whole lot of "fans" there Friday night...and she was the farthest thing from one.
Jonr (Offline)
  #34 9/21/09 8:16 PM
I agree that people should not cheer when a driver gets in a wreck,,,,,unless it is Sammy Swindell.
bayless (Offline)
  #35 9/23/09 8:43 PM
Dave Darland is the best guy in the pits. If i had a race car i would want him in it. This guy has done more in an open wheel car than most, with no big head at all. He is the most humble person i have ever met. Crash or not he will take time for ANY fan that approches him. You may have met Dave at a race sometime, and even though he may not remember you, you will never know it. He tries to make everyone feel welcome. I have never heard him say a bad word about anyone. Even when they deserved it. I also used to root against dave,(never wished anyone to crash) just because he won all the time. Then i met the man. Then asked myself how could anyone not want this guy to win. He is a CLASS ACT. If the lady in question would come down after a race sometime and drink a beer with Dave i bet she would change her tune a little..........oh yea,he is a pretty good driver too.
2 Likes: racegal, SprintManDave
Motormasher (Offline)
  #36 9/24/09 8:29 PM
Originally Posted by ronmil:
I wasn't sitting in my usual area, so I didn't hear this incident. Bob Pfender and I did notice a commotion to our right at one point, and that was probably the incident you are speaking of.
I can't understand anyone ever cheering when a driver crashes. My wife and I are huge fans of Dave Darland and we believe he epitomizes the way a driver should conduct himself/herself on and off the track.
It seems that I have witnessed more altercations at race tracks this year than I have in many years. I don't have any explanation for this obnoxious behavior, but it seems I witness more of it in society in general each day.
As I was leaving my parking space last night, a very rude driver in a new bright red Chevy pickup with a #36 sticker on the back window just plain cut me off. If I had not applied my brakes he would have hit me. This type of driving when leaving the parking lot is not only rude, it endangers pedestrians. I will always allow a vehicle to enter a line if they signal their intentions in a courteous manner. It is dangerous to speed towards another vehicle on grass that is wet with dew. No doubt some of these rude drivers are under the influence of alcohol and that is a factor. If you have had too many adult beverages, then you should have a designated driver. The police are out in force with checkpoints on the weekends and I don't want to see any good race fans get in trouble because they imbibed too much at the races.
That's my $.02 worth on this matter.
I wish you wouldn't go blaming alcohol for this guys rude behavior behind the wheel, I drove a truck for years and put up with this kind of driving all the time, day and night. I had to get off the road because of these kind of people and I still hate traveling very far to even go racing.

Frankly, I am sick of the "authorities" invading everybody's privacy for "suspicion" of whatever.
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