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tspilly (Offline)
  #1 3/21/14 11:14 PM
They are having winged and nonwing sprints at chandler on may 2nd. Does anyone know which series these are or are they non sanctioned? Also what r they paying to win?
Flatrightrear (Offline)
  #2 3/22/14 12:44 AM
On an earlier thread the promoter said it would be like four cars of each as a demonstration. Don't expect $10,000 to win.
jim goerge (Offline)
  #3 3/24/14 8:39 AM
I remember a USAC race there thinking early 80;s Lot of cars there and The ol One arm Bandit kicked ass Be nice to see that again but track needs a lot of work to race sprints there again
Likes: amati
Agentry10 (Offline)
  #4 3/24/14 12:15 PM
it is a few cars doing a demo to see what the fans think of sprint cars it is not a race I have talked to Kevin Bayer about this he is the same promotor as clay county
mscs20 (Offline)
  #5 3/24/14 2:03 PM
Didn't ASCT race there?
SHORTBUS (Offline)
  #6 3/24/14 2:36 PM
Mscs was there one time.i think there was 7-8 cars.did not even buy a ticket.
Flatrightrear (Offline)
  #7 3/24/14 3:11 PM
I think that for a short period of time last year that ASCS had Chandler on their schedule. Why? I have no idea as that place hasn't ran sprints in years and certainly is in no position to handle a national series event.
17B (Offline)
  #8 3/24/14 4:22 PM
To clear it up here for all, I have taken this track under my wings this year as I did Clay County Speedway in 2012. I will promote Chandler races in Indiana on Friday and turn ship to Clay County in Illinois come Saturday.
The KISS sprint cars were the last to run a show there in Chandler 2009???? it was on a Sunday afternoon had if I recall 16 or so.
I have brought a few out to Chandler for fans to see the full size a few years back by invitation.
Now that I have Clay County Speedway running sprints every Saturday I opted to get a few to come test the waters here on this old (but better) 3/8 dirt (but found some better dirt on infield) speedway just to give it a whirl. I made and still making updates....
I have a MOWA show booked in Clay County on May 3rd, not having many winged shows in the area I invited 4 winged warriors to turn some laps at Chandler the night before........and not leaving out the non-winged I invited 4 non-wing to give a excitement to the fans.
No way is this a all out show, each guy knows me personally and what I am doing, they all know what they are getting paid to run hotlaps, a quick heat and a mock feature. The last thing I want is anyone tearing anything up......I did this a few years back and of course I got calls from other sprinters why they were not asked....not that I want many more but if interested you may call me.
I have four winged that will be shaking it down Friday for preparing for Saturdays MOWA SHOW at Clay County......and the four non-wing drivers have been there before.
thanks Kevin Bayer 812-630-3989
Fridays at Chandler
Saturdays at Clay County
2 Likes: nathans1012, spicoli
ronmil (Offline)
  #9 3/24/14 4:43 PM
Sheldon Kinser won a USAC sprint car race there many years ago. It was sponsored by Danner's Cambridge Inns and Trolley Stop Cafeterias. I will provide the exact date when I have more time to research it. Chandler Raceway Park is mentioned in the index of the Fifty Years of USAC book, but it doesn't provide a page number.

Ron Miller
Rpracing1 (Offline)
  #10 3/24/14 4:58 PM
Have not been to Chandler in many years, and I only live about 15 minutes from the joint , but I just may show up this night because I like they way you promote things and the effort that you have made to bring back dead tracks to life. A few winged and non-wingers should wow the Chandler regulars. Hope it is a safe evening for all involved.

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