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1BIGracefan (Offline)
  #1 9/24/08 5:46 PM should be up and running by friday evening at the latest I hope. Everything has been transfered and we are just waiting for it to be final is all it should be within 48 hrs which is Friday. has been down for 6 days and I am sorry for that. When we get back up we might have a few little little bugs to work out but nothing major. It looks like it may be two more when we are up we will have two interviews ready to be viewed.

#1Brad Kuhn Fan (Offline)
  #2 9/24/08 8:39 PM
sweet.:thumb :thumb
Bland FAN
  #3 9/24/08 10:16 PM
well dady im sorry about TALK2DRIVERS! i didnt know that its goin to be EIGHT DAYS, till its all up again! i hope its up soon for the fans!
i love you daddy!
sorry about your sit!
get well soon
ThrottleHead (Offline)
  #4 9/27/08 10:57 AM
Friday night came..... and went. We are STILL down.

We had our original hosting plan thru 1&1. We switched to another host that was cheaper and offered unlimited storage and bandwidth. The problems we have encountered are mostly on 1&1's end. Seems they LOVE to sell you a package, but if you switch to another host they drag their heels releasing your domain (in layman's terms, the domain would be It's has FINALLY been released to our new host, StartLogic, and so we wait 24-48 hours before we can go.

So..... we sit...... and wait........ until the site is back.

We truly apologize for the inconvenience.

Moral of the story..... if you get a website package, make sure this is the company you want to stay with for the duration. Jumping ship is nothing but headaches.... even tho it should not be. Please do your research ahead of time. It would not hurt to ask others who have bought packages what to look for and what to avoid. Their lessons learned may save you headaches with yours! If anyone considers getting their own site, PM me and I will be glad to help out as best I can!
Bill Gardner (Offline)
  #5 9/27/08 12:31 PM
I see you switched to Startlogic for your hosting, well... do you remember all the problems that occurred with I was using the most expensive Startlogic hosting plan(VPS) they offer. There support just plain sucks! :thumbsdown:

Needless to say... I no longer use them. Good Luck.

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