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8/26/08, 3:32 PM   #40
Re: New Midwest TQ Racing Series Forming
Posts: n/a

So you are forming an anti- Goff Racing TQ club. Have you thought of any names for it? Oh, here is a good one... Lets run away from the competition TQ Club. Do you have a motor rule specifically planned out? How about a spec tire, car specs, car weights... I don't exactly believe you are going to have any help from UMRA. I mean unless you have a one page rule book that has 8 words... "All UMRA rules apply, except no Goff Racing." You have no idea how difficult your idea of a new club is going to be. I hope your backyard is big enough for your car count because getting tracks to accept a new, backed by no one, racing club is going to be next to impossible. will always be known as the sponsor that had to start there own club because the one they sponsored and supported so well.. HA!, UMRA, wasn't up to the standards of their liking. Good luck with your club by all means. It is just pretty sad to know that you are trying to break some 60 years of history over one race team. This sounds like a group of kids who wont let certain others come play. Again, that's all I have.