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D.O. (Offline)
  #241 8/12/08 3:15 PM
Boys and Girls this horse is DEAD !

Tony is a event promoter, he doesn't just have a race. He reaches out at each event and trys to bring new fans to the show. Racing need event promoters like him. He tryed to make things right after USAC looked at the track and he gave a list to the owner.

USAC took the blame without pointing fingers. If you heard what USAC had to say they are going to make sure this doesn't happen again. MCS isn't a regular USAC track.

Tony stuck it out and paid the full purse for those who choose to stay and race and refunded fans money.

SO get off the horse it's on it's way to the glue factory.

The one thing I see wrong with the whole deal is why wasn't the promoter brought into the USAC meeting with the teams at the track. He was out fixing the problems only to find out afterwards that the plug was pulled.
USAC is addressing that and other stuff so it doesn't happen again.

You all can pound away on this thread but the horse is now a bottle of Elmer's Glue !
