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gearguy (Offline)
  #32 9/6/11 11:56 PM
For the sake of my blood pressure I have been avoiding this topic. I'm drawn into the discussion now for a couple reasons:
1. I have an inflation adjusted chart of midget racing costs covering 1936 thru 2007 [the last time i cared to get involved in this endless debate]. I'll send a copy to anyone who wants to see it.
2. As an IRS carowner I can attest to the low tire bills. I bought $700 worth of tires at the start of the season so we could run our second car. This about matches the tire bill for last season. I don't expect to buy anymore tires this year. Maybe a couple right rears will be needed for next season.

Our primary car won a feature on dirt this season and has been competitive in the usual 17/18 car IRS field. Our payout is completely flat: $100 per car. Other than broken parts I'm out around $100 more per night. This is all the midget racing I can afford.

Chuck Schultz

PS: Please don't mention VW and cost saving in the same paragraph. Don't ask me how I know this when my wife is around.