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kendirt (Offline)
  #6 2/17/22 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by sprinter14:

This allows winged series to draw in corporate sponsorships and command interest from a LOT more people. Sadly, non wing racing has been in small pockets for many years. There was a time when it was pretty much JUST Indiana and California. I started BOSS in 2011 to try to change that in Ohio and surrounding states. Since then, WAR, USAC East, and several limited non wing groups have popped up. But it may be too late to keep non wing on par with wing money.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but my feeling is that there's more non-wing as a total than there has been since the early-80s. I think people discount the effects of fairly recent safety improvements on hobby racer's willingness to run non-wing. I mean you don't have to look very far back in pictures to see cars with seats that no one would run today.