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3/8/09, 7:42 PM   #34
Re: The 2009 Depression Hits Kokomo Indiana
Mud Packer
Mud Packer is offline
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Originally Posted by Jerry Spencer View Post
Very well said, when I drive past the plants and the parking lot is empty it brings home the reality of just what is going on. Good luck to you and your family as I am sure it will not be long before more locals feel what the auto workers are feeling.
Keep in mind we won a war because we could out manufacture the enemy, how do you think we will do next time? Although they own most of the states already.

I also think it is time for a pay cut and a massive layoff for politicians.

Jerry #66

It used to be that way here in Anderson. They have now torn down almost all of the old Delco & Guide Lamp factories so we are past that point in time. Even if the economy improves and GM starts building more cars, Anderson won't be in the mix. When I moved to Anderson is 1973, almost 28,000 people worked for General Motors here. As of June of 2008, NONE.

If you spend a lot of time listening to the news media you are in big trouble. They don't just try to report the news, they manufacture it. Another telling sign is that once they have beat a story to death they move beyond it and go to the next bad thing. The news media isn't anyone's friend in my opinion. They are just waiting on the next whipping boy.

Yes the unemployment rate is 8.1 % but according to my limited math skills, doesn't that mean that almost 92 % of America is still working? We have to start thinking positively. If not, they win.:headbang

Be nice to people on the way up. You might need them on the way down. Jimmy Durante