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3/8/09, 4:18 PM   #33
Re: The 2009 Depression Hits Kokomo Indiana
Jerry Spencer
Jerry Spencer is offline
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Originally Posted by clayton92fan View Post
Well guys, I am from Kokomo,I work at Chrysler for the time being and things are tough around here. The prospect of starting a new job/career at 46 in this economy sucks. Unless you are directly tied to the automotive industry, hearing things on the news may sound bad, but when that news directly affects your family i.e. paying bills, college tuition and so on, it hits home just how bad the economy is and will get. My entire household income is tied the the automotive industry as my wife works for General Motors also. I am not ******** or complaining, as we have both been blessed with good paying jobs with great benefits. But with the end in sight for possibly both incomes in our household, it is pretty bleak. We are lucky in the fact that we have lived well within our means, however ALOT of people around have not and I could not imagine the stress that those people are under. Hopefully everyone will make it through this and things will be better. I know that I will be at the races this year just as I have for the last 40, just may have to cut down on the traveling a little. And before someone says "You shouldn't have put all your eggs in one basket" answer this:Would you have turned down a $28 an hour job just to keep from having your income tied to one industry? Again, not complaining one bit about my situation. Just wanted to give my perspective from where I sit. Remember that it is easy to hear on the news that so and so factory closed and x number of people lost their job today and that not really affect you, unless you are one of those people or their families. Hurry up spring.. need to go racing.
Very well said, when I drive past the plants and the parking lot is empty it brings home the reality of just what is going on. Good luck to you and your family as I am sure it will not be long before more locals feel what the auto workers are feeling.
Keep in mind we won a war because we could out manufacture the enemy, how do you think we will do next time? Although they own most of the states already.

I also think it is time for a pay cut and a massive layoff for politicians.

Jerry #66