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Anderson36 (Offline)
  #28 2/27/09 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by aussiemidgetfan:
Don haven't you noticed that it is called motorsport. It is SPORT not entertainment.
I can see Don's head spinning after reading that one!!!

Without this "sport" being entertaining to someone (fans) there wouldn't be anyplace to race. Without fans paying to watch this sport (be entertained) it certainly wouldn't be cost effective enough to continue running these cars. I am by no means saying it is cost effective to begin with, but imagine having NO spectators at all.

I am grateful to see that you are making concessions to raise the purse, but I am NOT impressed with having to pay a possible $50 registration fee. It may all come out in the wash, but I would feel much better if there were NO fee's and I knew I was running for $950 to win. I honestly wouldn't even care if you still received the same purse from the promoter and kept $50 per car to yourself.

Don, would you be opposed to the pit gate passing on the fees to the NON-members of the competing series' pit passes? You will get your freebie and so will your driver, but on the backside your crew will make up the difference. Now, if you pay the pit pass fee for your crew your going to get it jammed up your poop shooter still. On the other hand if you don't pay those expenses then how long will it be before you are wrenching on your car alone.

For example.....

30 owners
30 drivers
120 crewmen in the pit area

At $25 each that's $5400

Now Take the owner's and driver's out of the equation with the same amount of money $5400 at the backend to pay the purse..

Now pit passes are going for $37.50 each.

If you raise the front gate prices to make up for the money lost at the back gate because owners'/driver's get in free with no increase in pit pass prices then you start loosing fans who feel that the entertainment is no longer important enough to pay maybe $20 bucks instead of $12 to get in.

If you can't pay a decent purse then you can't get a quality car count which in turn looses entertainment appeal. Now were back to square one.

Hopefully I didn't get off track to far.