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  #39 11/23/08 11:36 AM
We made it back from Indiana last night.

Camerons is improving slightly. His brain pressure was the lowest it had been as of yesterday which is great news. The drs changed the patch on his head lastnight so they can now tell when Cam is awake and when he is sleeping. I could tell when I loooked at him that he is fighting as hard has he can. He is still in dire need of everyone's prayers and I ask you to keep him and his family in your thoughts especially as we approach the holidays.

We are planning on making trips over there every two weeks. And we will continue to keep in close contact with our friends over there so if I receive anymore information I'll be sure to pass it on.

I agree with Kel. Cam made a mistake. I also believe that mistakes are made to learn by. If Cam's mistake and accident prevents someone else from making the same mistake then some good will come from this.

I know for a fact that when my 13 year old daughter looked at Cameron laying there in that hospital bed seeing the kid whom she adores go through so much pain and suffering, she'll never forget that image. Then when my 9 year old son sat there holding Camerons hand and telling him to keep fighting, as his voice cracks from the tears, it brought tears to my eyes. Cameron is my sons idol and Austin runs the same #37 on his mini sprint & sports jersey's that Cameron ran on his mini sprint and sprint car. I know my kids will never forget what they saw. And for me a 37 year old woman looking at the kid whom I think of as my second son fighting for his life well I hope you all can imagine what was going through my head. Reading even the smallest of negetive things just tears me up because like Kel said Cameron does mean something to some of us and to see bad things being posted about a loved one makes me defensive and it takes my thoughts away from where I want them to be.

In closing I'd like to say... A mistake was made. Bad judgement was made. Cameron is not perfect and we all make mistakes, just as he did. Maybe we've just all been lucky.

We love you Cam,