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8/28/08, 7:17 PM   #85
Re: New Midwest TQ Racing Series Forming
Larryoracing is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 380

This is a fascinating post. Like it!, mainly because I like TQ's, although
I have only raced them twice and we have been running a FF Midget for the
last several years.

I can't see how opening up a new TQ series could hurt. One, it will either survive
or dieout and UMRA will attract or once again gain those new competitors or old.

Hopefully the new series would run at some new tracks that UMRA did not.

In any case..hopefully more exposure of the TQ's would result from the added
races, benefitting all.

1) It was my opinion that the reason TQ's lost favor on the West Coast was
because the costs of running one became prohibitive.

a) You would be amazed at how many people have said it would cost
you 20,000 dollars to have a competive TQ engine.

1) In any case if you can spend 40,000 on a midget motor, 20,000
on a TQ motor does not sound rediculous.

a) I'm assuming when all is said and done you could have 14,000
dollars in a FF Midget Motor if you bought it new.
All those hoses and fittings, fancy fuel pumps, fancy expensive
injectors and down nozzles and all the brackets, pwr steering
pumps, etc, etc, etc add up. Don't you agree?

b) Then just to be an idiot how much money do you think
some people put into their Dwarf Car Motors or Lighting
Mini-Sprint motors.

I'm willing to bet their are competitive motors out there reaching
20,000 dollars and more. I have seen a couple in the pits
and it is scary to look at all that money in some Lighting Mini
Sprint motor bays.

2) I have got the impression that the biggest difference between
a West Coast TQ and another sanctioning body is the size of the
engine. A West Coast TQ can have a maximum displacement
of 840cc. How many CC's does your TQ displace.?Other than
that I would expect most TQ racing associations would be similar,
except on the West Coast they have went to a longer chassis.

a) You might ask, why would they allow the chassis to become the wheel base to be longer?

1) First question I would ask, have you ever driven a
TQ? If you have I would say it is the most dangerous
car I have ever driven. I think it is harder to drive a TQ
than a 360 sprint or a 410 sprint car. I have driven all
three. I thought the TQ was the hardest car to drive.

a) Thus the reason I feel the West Coast has gone
to a longer wheel base. It makes the car easier to
drive/not as twichy and more stable.

1) I would consider a TQ like a High Centered Jeep.
If you have ever tried to drive a short
wheel base Jeep at high speed rounding
a corner it wants to flip over . That's what it
felt like when I drove one. You just had
to be careful and not move the steering wheel too
much. They are very reactive.


Larry Otani...I own a TQ and would drive it again if the opportunity
arose. Just don't think that opportunity will arise because
we are racing the FF Midgets and I see the team goin'
to full midgets and sprint cars in the future.
Last edited by Larryoracing; 8/28/08 at 7:19 PM.