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8/26/08, 1:51 PM   #36
Re: New Midwest TQ Racing Series Forming
Sandy Lowe
Sandy Lowe is offline
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UMRA is a democracy in name alone. It ceased to be a true democracy on June 19, 1993.

I won't bore anyone with all of the details of what transpired in the week following that night at Rushville. But I will say that what UMRA did to the Goff Racing Team was wrong. It was wrong on so many levels it is still very hard for me to comprehend how it happened.

THAT was the beginning of the end.

If you read the UMRA By-Laws:
To encourage, promote and cultivate the close and lasting friendship among its members.

To promote, encourage, foster and cultivate the preservation, ownership and operation of vehicles meeting the requirements of the UMRA... to provide, negotiate and carry on programs of sports, hobbies and other activities among its members and their families for the purpose of furnishing wholesome recreation or other activites for such persons.
The people in charge of UMRA at that time (officers and board members) were entrusted to preserve UMRA. They got power hungry and thought they could get rid of the competition. Why? Because it was in UMRA's best interests? Because it was in their best interests?

I'll go with the latter.

I am ashamed to say that I was the head scorer and secretary of UMRA when this happened.

In my opinion the other officers and board members knew what they were doing was wrong. But they were greedy and couldn't let the opportunity pass them by. Why else would they have a secret board meeting and suspend an entire team.

How can a club that has a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer and an eight member board of directors do this without having the secretary involved? Or their head scorer? Especially when one of the points of suspension had to do with a scoring matter.

I remember countless hours spent in board meetings that fall just trying to get UMRA to issue an apology to Johnny Goff (car owner) because he was not involved in any of the items that the team was suspended for. And when I say hours I'm talking about 10-12 hour meetings.

To the entire Goff Racing Team:
I did everything I could to help you out but it was not enough.

I know it is hard when people rip something away from you that has been a part of you for so long. My dad was involved with UMRA from almost the beginning. It's not just a job, or a place to race, it's like family.

But what you are doing now is wrong. This has nothing to do with what may or may not have happened at Anderson as I wasn't there. You are not the same people now that you were then. I wish you didn't feel that you had to take, by any means necessary, what you feel is yours. Guys that was 15 years ago. Let it go!

* * * * * * * * * *

UMRA began with humble beginnings on May 27, 1961 in Salem, Indiana. 13 cars showed up for that race. By their second race, in Martinsville, the car count had doubled to 26. 15 races later the season concluded with Mel Harpring crowned champion. Harpring won 5 of the 17 features garnering 1,861 points. Roy Young (1,336 points) and Rick Meyer (1,304) rounded out the top 3. UMRA's highest car count was at Salem on July 28th when they had 33 competitors.

* * * * * * * * * *

I wish Jennifer Frechette much success with the new club. If there is anything I can do to help just let me know.

Sandy Lowe