Thread: Must Watch
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2/21/24, 11:35 PM   #18
flagboy55 is offline
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Every once in a while I’ll get to talking with someone at the race track that I haven’t met before and I’ll ask them if they go on IOW. More than once I’ve got the response that they have but think it’s too much like curmudgeonry for race fans. Sometimes I think they might be right. So I guess I have to explain why I posted this. First as 748 said Justin was indeed a Nascar tire changer. His Dad was also involved in Nascar. He’s been around racing a long time like many of us. And correctly as Motörhead points out he did work for WRG in content and was part of the Open Red podcast with Ross Weece for a pretty good period of time, not that he needs to be qualified, but if so there’s some of his credentials. He’s had a bunch of great interviews with Ross, and on his platform Dirtrackr. I don’t consider him to be the absolute authority, but he seems to be pretty well connected and I think he delivers great info in a tidy package. This particular episode seemed to hit pretty close to home I thought, when it sends a bit of a barometer of the popularity of my, and many of you, chosen style of racing. How many times over the last several years have we lamented the loss of our guy’s to wings? Also how many times are streaming users accused of ruining the sport? This episode addresses both. Before I go on, I don’t care which is more popular other than to answer the question why drivers leave and why we don’t run for the same purses as the wangers as Oppweld would say. It’s as simple as follow the money. Popularity drives investment, period. Also streaming is here to stay. Actually Brent was out in front of this a little bit in the conversations we’ve had about subscriptions and what not. I’m fortunate enough to be friends with a central Indiana track promoter and we’ve had discussions on the subject. I don’t want to put words in anyones mouth but we have agreed that maybe revenue distribution is more the problem than the stream itself. Which if you’re paying attention to the WOO VS HL contest you will see that’s a contributing factor in that battle. In case you haven’t noticed I really enjoy talking about the sport I love. I think that’s the purpose of a message board on the subject. If what I post upsets you please feel free to scroll on by, no offense taken.