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2/17/24, 5:32 PM   #12
SoINRaceFan is offline

Join Date: Apr 2023
Posts: 40

On Friday night at Ocala, when the tires started to go down in the A main, how exactly did Grant get to come back out on the track during the next caution? It appeared that there was a lap scored and when he did come back for the next 3 laps he was scored a lap down.

Then, when Westfall's tire went down in between 3 & 4, they let the race finish, even though Westfall was definitely off the pace from the rest of the field.

It just seems like the rules don't play out the same for everyone. I was at the track and I never heard any explanation over the public address system. I didn't know if it was explained on Flo or if anyone here can lend me some wisdom.