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8/10/08, 9:31 PM   #20
Re: Real names??? Should they be required in all posts??
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While I understand the frustration with anonymous posters, I say no for two reasons :

1) Identity theft problems - you'd give any passerby access to a legal legitimate name and possibly enough identifying information (like city, state) to make a big mess for someone. At this point, anyone with internet access whereever in the world can read the board and glean information from it.

2) Safety - as a woman, I don't want just anyone to know who I am or where I am. And since any person can read the posts, if required to use my real name, I would not ever sign up for an ID, which is unfortunate as I have made several friends on here who do know my real name! I also don't know how you would verify whether an ID is real or not.

That said, I see no problem with the moderator having name, address, e-mail address or whatever as part of signing up for an I.D. as long as it is not public information on the board.

And if the board were private - that is, can't be read without logging in as a member, that would cut down on the identity theft issues to some degree.