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8/10/08, 7:26 PM   #170
Re: UNION COUNTY - Midget Week
Joe Kidd
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Originally Posted by Throttle10e View Post
I know exactly who is to blame..........ME! Ever since I heard that they were planning to race Sprints/Midgets there, I prayed that it wouldn't happen. I will say that I wasn't there so I don't have any idea what was said, agreed upon, or disagreed upon. I do know one thing, I am totally disgusted with the comments on this board regarding the drivers who stayed verses the drivers who chose not to race. For all who agree that a REAL racer would have stayed to please his fans because they paid to watch a race, I can assume that you have already contributed to the Kenny Biro fund and have all intentions on helping any other driver and his family if something horrible happens to them while in a racecar. Step back and take a look at it from someone else's view other than your own. Racing is how my husband makes a living. That is how he provides for myself and our children. It's not just you the fan that he has to consider, it is our whole lively-hood. I am in NO way saying that the fans are not important to the sport, everyone knows they are. We all know what an impact the fans have to this sport. I respect the decision of USAC. Whether I agree with them doesn't matter.

Now as for the one who said he has been going to the track and is yet to see a car leave the has happened. I did it in a mini-sprint. It was on the backstretch coming out of turn two. I landed right next to a light/utility pole of some sort that had been cut off to about 5-6 feet tall. I only spent a week at Methodist with a head injury that I recovered from but my parents were told that the year before that someone in some sort of a stock car went over in the same spot and hit that pole and it killed him. I don't know how true that is but we never had any reason to question that came from the track owner. Now think about that happening in a sprint or midget. My accident happened several years ago and from what I understand not much had been done to the track since our last visit there. This doesn't include the new bleachers.

We all have a love for racing. Take the negative energy you have diplayed on here and turn it into positive energy and continue to pray for Kenny.

Danelle Cottle
Like that was the first track it happened at? It has happened at two or three tracks the last couple of years. Only difference is no one got hurt or killed. I guess you were unfortunate to get hurt.