Thread: Some positives
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7/23/23, 11:44 PM   #1
Some positives
The55 is offline

Join Date: Jun 2022
Posts: 90

There are a lot of posts here that focus on what I will call minutiae, the negatives regarding what is happening with sprints. I would like to point to a couple of positives. I read every year about the death of sprint cars due to rising costs of tires, fuel, etc yet there were over 50 cars at the first two ISW events. I made it to Kokomo last night and the racing was intense and awesome. GYATK is the acronym most often used but I will throw out KDD, Kokomo Doesn’t Disappoint. A ton of cars on the track that was great all night. Finally, a huge crowd and I saw a fair amount of younger fans as well. A great night and I plan to make Terre Haute this week as well. Enjoy the big picture and worry less about the small things.