Thread: Bobby Allen
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7/15/23, 1:55 PM   #9
Jerry Shaw
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Originally Posted by cowboyhar69 View Post
And Bobby Allen won the 1st WoO race at Eldora in April of 1978. Over the winter USAC and Earl got into a pissing match over how many races they would sanction at Eldora….. USAC said 6 max and Earl wanted 10. Earl being Earl said shove it …. and brought in the WoO group….. to an overflow crowd. Still remember watching Dayton TV2 Sports Director Omar Williams ( who was also the announcer at Eldora, New Bremen and Dayton when Earl owned Dayton) Monday evening sports report after the 1st WoO race at Eldora. Omar started off the sportscast with video and said “ Earl Baltes and USAC have been in a squabble about race dates…but he could probably care less after yesterday’s overflow crowd.” Running Eldora gave Ted Johnson and the WoO legitimacy and the rest is history
Dad took me over to Eldora for the last World of Outlaw race of the year, in 1978. It was cold and I remember Charlie Swartz setting fast time and Shane Carson winning. Nice big crowd and the facilities looked very little like they do now. One thing I remember about Bobby Allen’s 1A from that day is it having “455 cu. in.” painted on the engine cowling.

A man is about as big as the things that make him angry.

Winston Churchill
Last edited by Jerry Shaw; 7/15/23 at 2:31 PM.