Thread: Terre Haute
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3/24/23, 10:25 AM   #28
Re: Terre Haute
BrentTFunk is offline
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Originally Posted by flagboy55 View Post
Trying not to hijack the thread but I don’t know how exactly to take the Pitdad’s post. Are paying customers not allowed to criticize what they spend their money on? Are there not things worthy of criticism? Long Live THAT!
The problem is, with social media a lot of the complainers are not paying customers. I have only not gone to a track one time, and that was because they didn't allow reentry. Didn't bash them, I just left. They had 4 support classes, that I didn't want to sit through. Really it was my fault, I knew about the classes to begin with. I should have never went.
Bob Clauson told me the promoter at Jacksonville told him something. If you have a complaint, come tell me personally. If you have a compliment do it on social media. I have tried to do that. Just because I don't like something, doesn't mean everyone feels the same way. In the end it is their business to run as they see fit.Simple comments about maybe it being a late night are understandable, but we have all seen the dead horse beat to death over something very small.
I Wish the new team luck at Terre Haute.