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11/23/22, 1:51 PM   #22
Re: No return visit to Huset's for USAC
ginblueearth is offline

Join Date: Jan 2022
Posts: 233

Several years ago. I talked to Doug Johnson. About having a USAC show. Add Jackson Motor Plex. This was before.Tod Bought Husets. When I talk to Doug about it. I said, You also have to include. Poweri And Badger. Along with the non wing sprints. At that time, it fell on deaf ears. Then Matt Woods. Had the show at Husets And we all seen the end results of that. I pretty much knew. What was gonna happen after the first year? With the poor attendance. Of people in the stands and. A very good car count. Of both the Midgets and the non wingsprints. I was hoping the change of dates. To a Midsummer show would help. But it was the exact same turn out. And I knew it was done after that. So what didn't surprise me when I seen it was gone. From the schedule. For 2023. I have to give Matt Woods credit for trying. I don't think it would have made any difference if they would've had 50 cars in each class. The people up in this part of the country. Don't know what good racing is. All they care about is wingsprint cars. But I guess I have to say, there are good. Wing sprint car shows. But not near as good as the Midgets and non wingsprints. Guess I'm gonna have to save my pennies this winter. And make a few trips out to Indiana. Next summer. Probably try and Make Indiana Midget week. And probably try and start out the year down at Tulsa. And April. By the way, I just wanted to let everybody know. Very good possibility. There will only be. Three races at Jackson Motorplex this year. That will be the three day world of outlaw show. This came right from Tod. He claims Jackson is losing too much money. People don't support the race track. Really sad. He spent millions of dollars on that place. One of the nicest race tracks in the country. And it's just gonna sit there with no races. But there's a lot of race tracks in that situation. Hope things turn around for Dirt track Racing. I have my theory on what's wrong, but I won't go into that. Everybody has a safe winter. Glen Murra
Last edited by ginblueearth; 11/23/22 at 1:53 PM.