Thread: Lps
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6/7/22, 8:40 AM   #11
Re: Lps
Lincoln Park Speedway
Lincoln Park Speedway is offline
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We obviously can tell "the littles", but close to ten is a lot more questionable with some kids big for their age and some just haven't hit that growth spurt yet. We have children that get in trouble with the adults they come with because the kid slips up and was honest about their age. Think about that, a kid in trouble for being honest. We have had teenagers try to be under free. By asking proof of age it is the best way for us to be fair.
Since 2009, Lincoln Park Speedway has had the under 10 policy. Our under 10 policy permits kids under ten in both the pits and the grandstand area. Proof of age is not limited to birth certificates. Report cards, insurance card ids, school ids, travel team ids, and other forms have been used. We have not had an issue this season, and when questioned we have been provided with the proof of age.
And as for kids at the track, on race nights we have a traditional game of touch football on the hill which has become a right of passage when you are finally old enough to join that game.
148 kids under the age of ten attended the events on June 4. Plus we feel we have a good attendance of those over ten as well. On average our 11 to 13 age group in the bike races has 25 to 35 participants. If your kids is close to ten, please bring a form of id for the free price.
Thank you for taking an interest in Lincoln Park Speedway and our policies. We look forward to seeing all of fans regardless of age this Thursday for Indiana Midget Week!