Thread: Extreme Tires
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4/30/22, 10:06 AM   #3
Re: Extreme Tires
yeleyfan76 is offline
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Originally Posted by flagboy55 View Post
So tonight at Bloomington it looked like all the detractors were back in action under the USAC banner with maybe the exception of one that I can think of. It seemed to me, from what I saw, after the USAC presentation the noise against their procedure on the matter died down immensely. You don’t have to look far to find tire manufacturing has its troubles right now, from help to raw materials. In my view these problems could lead to an inconsistent product. Maybe we should question the results of the Extreme series tests?
Come on Flagboy. Really? Did you look at the schedules? There is no place else to run until June. If you have a non wing 410 sprint car this season your options for any decent money are slim. Everyone knew going in that this season is a trial schedule for Extreme. Fourteen races over 9 months time. Also if I remember correct the announcement stated there were to be very few conflicts if any. ( I believe there is one in late June). Had the schedules been in competition against each other through the time of Florida and now, this discussion might have a different tune to it.

I’d be careful thinking that people have simmered down and forgotten about the theatrics performed to save a few top teams. You can’t make money sitting in the garage. Usac has been the only game in town for a really long time.( this is why I understand peoples undying devotion to it) Now there may be a challenge to the same old same old. As stated in earlier posts time will tell how this plays out. The first time a situation arose this year, one series used their normal procedure and nothing was questioned. The other series used their normal procedure and for the first time their normal procedure changed because they were being watched. A Hollywood production ensues and accelerated finger pointing begins. It might be a good idea to let the season play out and see where we are this time next year. This debate can and will probably have more theatrics before seasons end. It appears to me that the drama of February/March is just the tip of the iceberg. Hopefully Haubstadt gets a full show in tonight. They are using Usac qualifying rules as opposed to MSCS hot lap/TT so who knows. Also best wishes to the crew at Terre Haute on Sunday. Hopefully the Indiana fan base gets off their duff and supports the people who have put a lot of money into the facility. Good luck to all teams.