Thread: Tire Dopers
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4/1/22, 8:05 PM   #225
Re: Tire Dopers
Charles Nungester
Charles Nungester is offline
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Like I said, I and others who don't know squat. Still don't.

There have guns out there that you can put up against car paint on a car and it will tell you what color combinations, amount of thinner etc to match it.

If that can happen, Why not a spot checking type of gun. If that spot check fails then send those samples initialed, sealed validated by team to lab. Again, IN PERSON, for all to see.

Know the Durometer thing was enforced at Bloomington a couple years ago after it was determined there was a problem. Don't know if there has been any problem since.

Also recently found that two prior teams *Busted* by USAC had been found to have known doping compounds seen by the lab many times before and the results were not contested.

Like I said. Knowing they are testing, You still do it? not just one, but four, In a way not seen before or known? In the exact same way. Sounds more fishy to me than the lab screwing it up.
Charles Nungester