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6/28/21, 5:29 PM   #18
Re: Bill Gardner Sprintacular 7/2 (Friday) and 7/3 (Saturday
Jerry Shaw
Jerry Shaw is offline
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When you look at the this racing weekend is structured. Two-night show. Dual USAC/MSCS sanction. Fourth of July Weekend. Higher paying To Win/To Start. And at Putnamville. This is exactly the event Bill talked about for many years, that he would like to see happen, someday. The funny thing is, the only part he would probably change is the fact that the event has his name on it. There was something in Bill's DNA, that even though he was a great idea man and worked hard to see ideas of his (like IOW, for example) come to pass, he would never take credit for anything or draw attention to himself. He was probably the least attention-seeking person I've ever known. All the way to the very end, Bill believed that what makes IOW great is you the poster, the person that loves racing and comes here to tell their story. You saw him say on the board many times "IOW is about you, people."

But, since everybody involved here has made his dream racing weekend a reality, I'm sure he'll be looking down upon Lincoln Park Speedway with a smile. Even though they named the whole weekend after him. And don't worry, folks, you're going to get your $30 worth. You may even leave wishing you could tip Joe or Jill a few bucks, on your way out.

A man is about as big as the things that make him angry.

Winston Churchill
Last edited by Jerry Shaw; 7/1/21 at 1:49 PM.