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2/16/21, 5:15 PM   #4
Re: Tracks Unite to Modify Tire Rule
spankytoo is offline
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Originally Posted by LindaKMansfield View Post

Kokomo Speedway promoter Reece O’Connor said the group also considered the economic upside to adding the Hoosier H15 as an option.

“I strongly feel the addition of the H15 is a cost-effective alternative to adding or enhancing the current $3,000-to-$4,000 shock packages many teams are utilizing,” O’Connor said. “This gives the lower-budget teams a better opportunity to compete on a more level playing field. Bolting on a $200 right-rear tire is a lot cheaper than the further development and increased expense of shock technology, $1,600 tire bleeder systems, and other handling technology that’s taking place. I also think you’re going to see less dust, better track conditions, and a higher level of close, competitive racing that our fans deserve.”
The big guys are not going to stop spending money, PERIOD! They are going to continue shock development. The big dogs put on a new tire every race. If you want to beat them the little guy has to do the same thing. NO MONEY SAVED. Now you have to buy an additional tire that wears out quicker. The only guy who wins is the tire guy (HOOSIER). They're still going to dope tires.
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