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PatrickMead#13 (Offline)
  #20 1/4/21 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by nathans1012:
Your not likely to dilute anything. This is just a mini series unless they want to grow it more. I see this as drivers and teams that just want to race non-wing sprints and not break the bank doing so. Dave's got under $2k in his steel block motor. I do love that they've got about 50 teams / drivers that have committed to race with them at some point or do the entire season.

Once other tracks see what kind of driver commitment they have I'm sure other tracks would love to have them at their track a time or two through out the race season. After the first few races we will all have an idea what kind of field of cars they will get on a nightly basis. I personally think it's a cool idea and a way to get older equipment out of the barn or shed and back on the track.

I did see Dave post something about having two rear-ends. Unless you have looked at his Facebook page and see what he posted on December 17th 2020 and view all the comments and reply's. I see how it could be hard to understand his full plan with this.

I wish them all the best. Hope to see them at tracks in the northern half of Indiana as well.

Just my opinion though.

Bingo!!! Very well said
4 Likes: jim goerge, Leohr46, oppweld, tirespinner