Thread: best guess
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4/17/20, 9:17 AM   #27
Re: best guess
racefan20 is offline
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Originally Posted by jdull99 View Post

Awaiting a passionate reply of detail of your plans to get us back to race track events soon...if we quietly accept things as they are, don't look for racing to return...this year or who knows if ever...Are you ok with waiting til there is vaccine for this ONE infection? What about every other infection that doesn't have a cure yet? What about those that don't want a vaccine?
Gee I never realized that I could say so much with one little icon. But if you insist.....

1 Since you did so much "research" about herd immunity I'll assume you are an immunologist but a better guess is you are just believing something you read on the internet, think I will wait to believe a real doctor on that.
2 Have you looked at the average age of most crowds at open wheel races? There are alot of 60+ people in a typical crowd here in Indiana(after all this is INDIANA Open Wheel) and those are the most vulnerable, without them the promoter isnt gonna make enough to pay the purse. The promoters love racing but they arent in it to lose money just so you can race are they? And dont tell me that they could just get sponsors have you looked at the economy lately? Very few tracks have stands big enough to allow social distancing and still allow enough fans in to pay the purse. It may happen a few times but not for long if they wanna stay in business.
3 You say you are losing money over this, my guess is it has kept you from spending your money on racing.
4 In order for the promoters to put on races they have to have people who are willing to spend their money on entertainment if they arent working my guess is they are more interested in spending it on a roof over their head and food on the table. You may be independently wealthy but most arent.
5 So if you go to a race are you willing to figure out all of the high risk people that you contact(even when you go to the grocery) and quarantine yourself from them for 14 days after you go to the race.
6 Do you think its smart for TMac to put on a race in South Dakota, a place where there are relatively few cases, and invite a bunch of people into their state from places where there are many covid positive people? They can if they want but it doesnt sound too smart to me. Maybe he has the $ to put on a race without a crowd, if so great I will get the PPV.
7 I think most of the governors are going to want people to get back to work before they allow racing or baseball or basketball or concerts or any type of entertainment in their states.

JMO but I think we will be racing this year but other more important things need to happen before they do. That being said you were probably too busy ranting to notice that an Indiana track(again remember this is INDIANA Open Wheel) has announced a race for 2 weeks from now(I'll let you figure out who). Whether the state allows it or not I have no idea but they are trying. You have to remember that this isnt just about you it is about all of us being safe. When that is true(not saying that they wait until there is 0% chance cause that may never happen) then we will get our racing season but not until at least our hospitals arent full of covoid patients. In Indianapolis they still are full of those patients, my wife works at the hospital and I know for a fact that this thing is still very serious. So rant on if you want, go to the races if they decide to have them just dont expect things to snap back to normal like nothing happened cause it wont for awhile.
John Hoover

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