Thread: Kyle Larson
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4/16/20, 2:13 PM   #47
Re: Kyle Larson
nodoors is offline

Join Date: Dec 2019
Posts: 46

Definition of the "N" Word

Did the Definition of N word Change?
There is a widespread belief that the original meaning of n, as defined in dictionaries, was "an ignorant person," and a related belief that current dictionary definitions describing its use as a hateful, racist epithet are a recent change. We do not know the source of those beliefs, but they are not accurate. The word was first included in a Merriam-Webster dictionary in 1864, at which time it was defined as a synonym of Negro, with a note indicating that it was used "in derision or depreciation." There has never been a definition like "an ignorant person" for this word in any subsequent dictionary published by this company. Nor do we know of such a definition in any earlier dictionary.

I edited the "N" word because I do not want to offend anyone but this is the Definition of the word itself from the Websters Dictionary.

This is not a word I use because of the way it has been USED. The word is a slang word for IGNORANT. It is such a shame that the P.C. Police have bastardized this word and have put so many people with the monicker as RACIST because of a word. My god people grow a set, what ever happened to "Sticks and Stones" or I could care less what you call me but if you put your hands on me in an aggressive manner then we have a HUGE PROBLEM.

America has become PUSSIFIED and it is not a good thing. The Liberal Bias in this Country has destroyed being a Man let alone being an individual. It breaks my heart to see a Great Nation go so far down the tubes that a meaningless slang word is allowed to ruin your entire life. Racism is a terrible thing and it should NOT be allowed anywhere, but I think it has gone way too far. Racism is practically dead in the USA as compared to what I lived and saw. I think the whole your a racist mniker is ******** and they have taken it so far that they have lessened it to the point that EVERYONE is a RACIST and Im sorry but that just isnt true and it dam sure isnt right
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