Thread: Kyle Larson
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4/16/20, 12:16 AM   #41
Re: Kyle Larson
Danny Burton
Danny Burton is offline
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Originally Posted by ThrowbackRacingTeam View Post
The only people sensitive about the word are white people. Blacks call each other that all the time and if you are friends with them or hang around them much you end up using the word too. It's a really unfair double standard in my opinion and it only promotes racism rather than suppress it.

against my better judgement...

I can be described as a dumb Hoosier-tuckian. My friends can call me that and I'll laugh. If anyone else was to call me that I wouldn't laugh. I just might respond in kind.

Black folks do call each other by the epithet in question, but how would any of us feel if we were black and a white person used that same word directed at us?

If your employer says that you are not to say certain things, you might want to be more aware of what you say. Kyle is not the first nor last to be fired for what he said. He'll be alright, a good kid who did a dumb thing.

Freedom of speech has little, if anything, to do with it.

Quiet, numbskulls. I'm broadcasting.