Thread: My Top Ten
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4/3/20, 5:13 PM   #10
Andrew S. Quinn
Andrew S. Quinn is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2007
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Ive been lucky over the years with 167 I think without looking, different speedways in 3 countries. Been to the Knoxville Nationals many times,Pennsylvania speedweek,Chili Bowl,Williams Grove National Open, The Little 500, the 3 hour figure 8 race,The Oxford 250,the Star Supermodified Classic,and not to mention POWRi Speedeek,Indiana midget week,and Indiana Sprint Week. Been to Australia twice,and that tied in with going to the Knoxville Nationals. Back then I had to decide on either a street legal sprint car,or going to Australia. Guess which won?

I still havent been to Fairbury,I was on my way a couple years ago and had a tire blowout,which put me behind. Always wanted to go to Ventura,but its a long way to go for just one race,and I'd rather go for a weekly show lets say, rather than Turkey Night. I cant imagine being in L.A. on Black Friday.... Western Springs in New Zealand would be another for the midgets around Christmas time. Havent made it to the Hy Miler at Sandusky either,and havent been to Lima,and wouldnt mind going back to Moler so I can count it. It rained after the 2nd heat for BOSS sprints when I went there.Maybe California's speedweek,although I havent thought to much about it. The fire inside to go racing has died way down in the last 5 years.

Still have some race places I wanna get to. Bentley Warrens Saloon in Arundel, Maine is one of them. I just went back to Maine in January and found it on Route 1 in Arundel,but it was closed till about April. The museum at New Hampshire Intl Speedway,or what ever its called now in Loudon,New Hampshire. The museum in Darlington,and Ray Evernhams museum would be good to go check out as well. A museum on everyones hitlist should be the Museum of American Speed at Speedway Motors in Lincoln Nebraska. Its the best one I have been to,and I've been to a bunch of museums as well as speedways. A buddy of mine in Australia told me "Mad Harry" Delamont ended up with much of Brian Linigen's personal museum. I went to the Linigens museum in the Sydney Suburbs and it was just as nice as some of the museums I have been to here.
Last edited by Andrew S. Quinn; 4/3/20 at 6:31 PM.