Thread: Resurrection
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VSneader2 (Offline)
  #22 4/27/19 8:55 AM
LPS must be doing something right then. Did you see the crowd for the IOW Fest. The place was packed, sprint week size crowd or larger, where I bet 50% were families with small kids.

The only thing my boys don't like about going to the racetrack is when there is too much down time between races, when the show is moved along they enjoy themselves, if it turns into a tractor show and takes forever in between races, they start to loose interest. I think this is because their is nothing going on during this time. We go to hockey games all winter long and they have no issue with the 20 min intermission. I believe this is because there is usually some sort of entertainment being provided, whether it be on ice entertainment, DJ playing upbeat dance music, Mascots doing mascot things. most tracks just turn on the county music station and then might talk over it, telling stories about some of the drivers. While most adults and race enthusiast might like this, most kids don't. I would love to see a local track get a mascot to engage the crowd during down times and see what that does to bring in more kids.