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3/29/19, 10:31 AM   #1
Ambulances at Race Tracks
Ray3 is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 688

Since the race season is starting to fire up again I think now is a good time to emphasize track safety. One of my pet peeves are race tracks who continue to deny the racers a properly fitted ambulance at the race track.

The common excuse is that the local ambulance only takes 5 minutes to get there. To me, thats not good enough. When you see ambulances at local high school football games, city festivals, state and local fairs, etc but not at race tracks, it disgusts me. We as racers and race fans should be demanding properly fitted ambulances at all racing events! Be sure to ask the promoter at every venue whether or not they have an ambulance on the grounds before you choose to race there. If they don't have one or refuse to provide one, don't go or load up and leave. Fans can help too by boycotting race tracks where there is no ambulance. It takes a full fledged effort of all of us to make racing safer and having an ambulance onsite for $500-600 is such a small price to pay.

Also, make sure the ambulance isn't just some old ambulance the promoter bought and parked in the infield. That trick does not fly. Make sure the ambulance is either a Basic Life Support or Advanced Life Support ambulance (I think most would prefer ALS) with properly trained EMTs and Paramedics. To read about the difference between BLS and ALS I included a link to an article here:
Last edited by Ray3; 3/29/19 at 11:09 AM.