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2/7/18, 4:33 PM   #1
Brad Loyet accident and how to safely mount tires
thunder31 is offline

Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 108

This is a trend I've seen happening more and more lately. Sprint car and late model drivers and crew members getting injured badly when mounting tires. Brad Loyet was severely injured mounting a sprint car tire yesterday. Below is the quote from Brad about his accident yesterday.

“First off thanks to everyone for the thoughts and well wishes. It’s safe to say I’ve had much better days! Like to thank my wife Cassie Rocco Loyet for everything she deals with for me. Christian Busche acted fast and likely made a horrible situation better. My family was all here to support me which helped keep my spirits high. I’ll be down and out for a while and am stuck here for a couple days. Sounds like the surgeon did a great job and I should recover fully with time and extensive therapy!”

“Secondly if you own even one Keizer wheel throw it in the trash! I’ve aired up thousands of tires and am very lucky to even be writing this right now. Weld broke clean off on only one side as it did not penetrate both pieces of metal! Spend the money and pay for quality!”

I'm not trying to throw any wheel manufacturer under the bus or put blame anywhere. I want to know how everyone mounts tires in a safe way to avoid accidents like this. I hate to see any racer knocked out of action by an injury and I wish Brad a speedy recovery. I just don't want to see anyone else hurt like this mounting tires.
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